Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Is the fun buff out yet?

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I could care less what the Bean Counters want.

I just care what I wanted as a consumer and one of the reasons I paid more was to level early over the weekend, get a bunch of toons to 80 and start on Profs, etc.

I also suspected something like this would happen based on years of playing WOW.

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And we shouldn’t have had to pay extra to do all of that. This is my point.

Launchies in shambles

Hate to see it

Leveling is, and has always been, boring, especially when the writing is garbage, so leveling faster is awesome, I’d rather level faster.

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It’s so wild that everyone thinks making the experience better views it as a nerf and a robbery of their free time.

I meant from the mobs themselves. It is still faster to level outside of dungeons.

Then take off your weapons and armor and poof, there’s the challenge that you desire so badly.


Whatever they did, they need to revert it NOW.

No way it is fine now. Way better than what it was. I actually had to heal in a dungeon and pay attention.


Imagine having to use more then one button to level. I felt like I was level 10-20 again.

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I’m doing a tier 3 delve right now blasting through it like I was yesterday. There is not a difficulty change for me. It’s relatively the same. Not like you’re going to believe that though, you are here to whine and rage not actually play the game.

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That is such a lame thing to type. The challenge should always be there.


An insult. A robbery. False advertisement!

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We didn’t have to do anything though. It was each players choice whether the 25 bucks was worth it or not.

This was the best leveling experience I ever for multiple reasons and I hope Blizz does this for every x-pac.

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Yep. The challenge should be something for us to all overcome.

Not for some of us to gimp ourselves just to ever see.

Congrats to Misero for being but one troll and prolonging the conversation this much. I’m not sure if he likes harder leveling or posting “it’s just, like, my opinion, man” more.

Open world is still effed, and delves are now impossible for “normally” geared.

Tired of folks only caring about what they do.


Aaaand as predicted these changes have made the game unplayable, not even spamming heals on tank can keep them alive, let alone the rest of the group


This change is perfect. And much needed, way to go.

Leveling new content should be more difficult and not be such a fast push. Gotta take your time and enjoy the story.

That being said i got 4 80s in early access so for me my xp boost moving forward is plus 20%.

Also yall only need to do the main story once. So enjoy it lol