Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Because EA got this advantage for 3 times as long as regular players.

I’m not complaining cause I wasn’t EA either, I ended up buying it on both of my active subs.

Terrible news… I leveld and I’m still using a shadowlands dagger and pair of pants!

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What’s your ilvl, slick? Did you even do any open world to level?

EXACTLY lmao so imagine to our content - we get an expansion like this where leveling was fun and enjoyable right off the rip!

That’s exactly how this works. Sounds like someone doesn’t actually want challenging leveling, they just want intelligent people to be punished. Who’s Blizzard’s good little pay pig? You’re such a good boy!

That’s exactly what they want and it’s pathetic. I really hope Blizzard does not backtrack on changes because of this mindset. It’s a joke.


Just a poor tax

First of all, what do you mean by “you people?”

Second, apparently you just wanna push one button fifteen times and kill everything?

I can’t imagine the “fun” in that. Like, seriously.

You’re going to go from that, and … then what? Days later (or do you want months? Just how long should levelling take, since you’re the one in charge of it now?) you ding 80 and now you have to actually play the endgame that is the main point of this game?

I mean, I don’t get it to be honest. You’re wasting time on content that doesn’t even matter, that you’ll never return to after this week.

Why not just take off your weapons and armor and give yourself the challenge (or is it timesink) that you so desire?

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Name checks out though.

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What advantage? Before it took half a second to kill a mob. After patch, it takes about a second longer. Are you really that salty about mobs that still, for all intents and purpses, die basically instantly? There’s almost no difference.

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Meh. They also got to level to 80 first and start their end game chores before Standard Edition players. That’s reason the EA exists.

Made it for you

What do we expect from a community that has been trained to view any second of time spent in a suboptimal way as a punishment?

The reason it exists is to make money for the bean counters. I don’t even think the devs wanted it, though I can’t speak for them.

I may not even level up anyone else for months. I one shot everything a million times over in my current content lol.

These changes just went live lol. Like you people don’t even know this just happened. It’s so disingenuous. You haven’t even tried it. You’re just complaining lol.

And when I leveled I did like 3 follower dungeons and 4 delves on tier 3.
The rest of the time I was in open world.

It was too easy. This was changed. Get over it or unsub.

Clearly you haven’t leveled a character this way. no one is pressing one button and winning. You’re doing your ratation as long and things are still being pulled. and it’s only the first few lvl that you’re overpowered by the time you reach 77 you already replacing from the dungeon.

You probably haven’t logged in yet, yes?

That’s not true. I basically just pressed lightning bolt on my ele Shaman from 70-80.

Not even joking. Some of the time it was chain lightning though.

But I never actually had to press anything else.

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I’m a paladin, not a rogue lol. I don’t push one button 15 times.

Maybe actually using rotations is more fun than just running around oneshotting everything?

I mean if I wanted that I could go to some old expansion.

I love my character feeling weaker than it was yesterday. Ah, such a good sensation. Nothing better.