Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

I think the issue is mostly just with the timing of it all.

If this was done in a hotfix on Monday or earlier, I wouldn’t really care. The enemies WERE melting like butter from LV70-74 or so, probably shouldn’t have been that easy, especially as things rather suddenly came to a slowdown around LV76.
But Beta should have caught this and fixed it, and at the very least EA should have noticed and fixed it earlier (preferably by Sat/Sun), but at the very least before everyone else had started on Monday. They gave out very easy to get iLV480 gear, so should have expected basically everyone the first ~month to come in at iLV480.

But doing it on Wednesday feels kinda punishing to those who aren’t playing super fast.
I personally am at LV77 with my main, so the change won’t affect my main much at all.
But it’s going to make my alts feel a lot weaker in comparison, which considering some of these are new classes for me from Remix, may make me rethink if I actual like the class or not?

If it would’ve waited until next Tuesday rollover, it would’ve felt more like an exciting boon to those who played close to launch, instead of just coming off as an Early Access perk.

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Then play the game. Because this is not the case. You are just choosing to believe that.

Its weird, I half played legion, half played BFA, barely played Shadowlands, and about half played dragonflight.
Didnt bother with my early access to TWW, and just came back on the launch just like everyone else.

If look at achievement points, and i know i havent played much in the last 4 expansions.
From your achievements, it looks like you barely play this game and yet you have a very strong opinion about how everyone should play, just seems weird. Like you where never around playing this game before all these goofy scaling systems and have no idea why people have the opinions they have. Just your own.

Guys I got one-shot by my Turnip Punching Bag after this change went live.

Can I get a day of free game time?

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Thank goodness I was able to use early access to level some of my most important FOTM specs before this change, seems like a lot of people are complaining about how much more annoying it is to kill stuff now like some of us predicted. Now to sit back and wait for the inevitable tuning to make it easier since blizzard clearly messed up.

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Trolling doesn’t help. But, I guess continue to do what you do.

I really don’t care what you believe but I’ve been playing WoW since 2005. Not on this account but I’ve been here.

The leveling will still not be hard. These are just a bunch of sheep complaining without even trying. That’s how the forums work.

Nothing to the conversation? You brought up the argument that people who skipped DF are behind in gear. I countered by stating that you get the option for a gear update when you first log in. It doesn’t matter what the exact ilvl is. The fact is that Blizzard thought ahead and does provide an update to your gear that they feel is appropriate.

Lmfao but all of the obvious trolling was supposed to make them reconsider and cancel the change earlier.

It’s bad now?

As usual, developer solutions looking for a problem.

Before the update:

Lv74 483 Paladin: Killing stuff in about 3-4 seconds.

After the update:

Killing stuff in about 5-8 seconds (depending on procs n such).

Seems to be just as I was saying in the thread, the effect tapers off, and is more noticeable the higher gear you have.

Ah, the old “You wouldn’t know her, she goes to a different school” defense.
You are not a clown, you are the entire circus.


It would appear that ilvl scaling got added to alleviate exactly this.

It took me three hours JUST NOW to kill everything that my critter hand cannon spawned.


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my feral just had to do that on a normal world content mob

Oh my gosh, I’m just so hurt. I’m going to go cry about it as I enjoy leveling my alt in this very extremely hard content. It’s just gonna be soooo tough. Wah.

Hyperbole much?

You keep misspelling “hilarity” though.

Do you have a difficult time understanding obvious sarcasm?


My realm is down :sob: oh oh maybe not