Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

now how about 300 IL for the people that didn’t touch DF

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And you are a majority of crybabies? Cool?

You realize they get a “gear update” option right?

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Excellent change!

Hmmm Not sure if I can pull off 300 ilevel but 337 all heirlooms maybe?

no because we weren’t complaining till blizz decided to make bad changes…

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I did not buy Early Access. I have like 30 alts. I made the conscience decision to NOT level my main first. My 528 ilvl, mythic raid geared main. Everyone talked about how good it felt to level in dungeons with a previous-xpac-raid geared character. So I decided to do the campaign on one of my many alts NOT end-game raid geared. Expecting that my end-game raid geared toon would be leveling at godspeed like it always has in the 20year history of WoW launches.

And now, I feel the difference immediately on the first mob taking significantly longer. Everyone with EA got the express lane of leveling and giving feedback of leveling dungeons feeling good, and now I get in to the game and get the opposite.


Not good enough Sosari.

If I can’t solo normal TWW dungeons with a naked level 10 then this is a slap in the face.

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what IL gear does it give?

I’m pretty sure the Majority hasn’t even spoken yet. We will find out soon.

A majority of players don’t even use the forums. So if a minority of the minority likes this change on the forums. It can swing either way with the greater “silent” majority of players who do not frequent the forums.

80% of the game does not die with one shot when doing the content with an appropriate ilvl for that content. You’re just trolling here and probably don’t even have a real opinion, and you also exploited the easy leveling on the character you’re posting from. Again, you’ve had the option this whole time to make things more difficult for yourself if you prefer it like that. You haven’t chosen to do that but are gleeful when others are forced to spend time you didn’t have to spend in order to achieve the same thing. Just a troll.

Enough to do the content.

Hyperbole a bit much, you think?

You mean like the people that literally said they expect normal trash mobs to have raid boss health after this change?

Just kind of joining in on that fun, sorry.

Literally all the old zones, raids, and dungeons (besides DF) is one shot content. Go have a blast.

Ill do you one better. I’m still level 70 at ilvl 359 after 2 more upgrades. Doing the quest where Alleria helps at the Dawnbreaker. Fighting Siegelord Xerosh and she has a hidden mechanic where she gives you a damage amp after charging up. I legit three shot that mob on my first playthrough and had no idea it was a thing!


LOL thanks for offering nothing to the conversation also for the gear update you need to have had an existing character. level a fresh character from 1 and see what your il when you get through DF.

Rage incoming

I don’t need to buy a new expansion for that. There should be easy one shot content in the current expansion as well. Not everything needs to take 12 hits to kill - that just makes the game tedious.

I don’t know why this Lara keeps coming in here with fake news.

We all know that you can’t even attack a target dummy without getting owned now.

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