Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

That’s the downside to buying the 1 year sub. Last year for example my PC was broken for 4 months, I didn’t care to fix it as I found WoW boring at the time. Eventually though I might just reach the point I wont bother to come back at all.

Only reason I was excited for this expansion was the warbands as an altoholic. Legit being able to play alts is the only reason I came to play.

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“Gameplay” as in people playing a “game” as in, what people find “fun” and “not fun” in a game.

If you make a game, and implement changes the players doesn’t want, because those changes were made on paper and (even though they’re trash changes) you will implement them (even thought the community states largely that they prefer the game pre-changes), that’s a garbage design decision made my people with the “do you not have phones” mindset.

You’re a sheep with 0 original thoughts or opinions.

Especially for those of us who don’t level as DPS

Might even make it more apparent what might need buffs too.

a fresh character isnt going to have 460 if they didnt touch endgame last xpac.

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Because they abused the scaling bug to level alts fast. You scared?

Leveling is the same either way. This is just making it so you cannot faceroll things, if you only knew how bad it was.

I think they need to bring back leveling perks for all classes and specs so they do not feel like a drag the last 2-3 levels to max level.

It worked so well in WoD for example.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Frankly it’s stupid that they start a new xpac with content scaled below the difficulty of world quests at the end of the previous expansion. If the concern is new players or newly created toons not having endgame gear when they hit 70, then just have a quest vendor in the intro sell cheap ilvl 467 greens and have the questing rewards start at 480. It’s asinine that the prepatch event gave out 480 gear like candy, but the the quest rewards in the new content starts around 410ish


It is hard to argue with you because it is a dumb change. I think everything will be fine. You just won’t have 70’s slapping ridiculously hard in normal dungeons anymore.

Lets be real though. Blizzard turned their games from awesome strategy with challenging gameplay into Maple Story. Does it matter if the mobs take 1 hit or 2?

Not at all. They aren’t going to touch my progress. You’ll just need to make your own.

OH NO HOBBY SHAMING! LMAO. By all means you are allowed to. However, dont assume everyone sees it your way. Its silly to complain about money if you’re not out making it and rather coming on to a PUBLIC forum to complain about it… Solution: If you dont have money, find a way to make it. I dont care about feelings, its logic .

Actually, all this drama here made me forget about some other drama that’s probably being addressed here as well - the loss of all the prepatch event gear that was in the warbank once TWW launched. I think the restoration of these items is probably the cause of the maintenance and its extensions.

There was no bug, nobody abused anything. It was a tuning issue for like 70-77.

No, they intentionally added the bad scaling to have people resub buy the expansion, then they nerf it to keep them around longer. It is a slimy marketing trick.

More HP mobs equal slower kill times and dungeon completions which equals less XP.

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True but WoW is a MMORPG and not an action RPG which is why scaling is a mistake IMO.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


This is a monumentally stupid and unnecessary change. It also shows a level of gross incompetence that you need to bring in balance changes after the launch of the expansion. That should have been done with and finished with in the pre-expansion patch. There should have been no further balance changes then until the start of the next season.

That was supposed to happen, at least that is what I thought.