Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Pays to be not poor!


bad change. boo. dislike.


Unbelievable no one saw that happening. lol everyone in the dev cycle.

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I swear… it’s like no one comprehends that this content was tuned for fresh 70s in 380ish ilevel and not 500+ like we all walked in with. :woman_facepalming:


Now this is a bad idea, and the reason I say this, is because, you are now basically saying if you didn’t have Early Access initially where you could spam dungeons endlessly and get 80 in 4 hours, well now you’ll have more of a grind to get there. That is so scummy I can’t even imagine how the players who did not get EA feel.


A handful of forum posters I did not recognize spammed the forum with complaints.

I think it was fully intentional to use as an excuse to make leveling much harder than would otherwise have been accepted. Early access made leveling a lot easier, then those who level later would find leveling a lot harder.

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high fives all around

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no people weren’t complaining - blizzard doesn’t like people progressing fast and now they are going to punish all the people who didn’t start until yesterday.


Why do I get the feeling that tomorrow is just going to suck. That everything I’m “taking for granted today” is going to just… Ugh.

I guess I’ll tell Thanphog (Voidwalker) to prepare, cause it’s not going to be pleasant.


I like gaining levels, talents, and some power as I work my way through zones. Leveling is part of the rpg journey in gaining power and progressing with a build.

Oh, I’m not an EA member. I just grinded dungeons for about 4 hours to quickly level up.

I’ll tell you right now I’m going to be very annoyed with Blizzard if my level 80 with current BiS feels even weaker than it already does at 80.

Incorrect tense usage.

What you mean is “Early access wasn’t P2W”, i.e. it wasn’t in previous expansions, nor did you expect it to be here. But by pulling up the ladder only after all the Early Access people are 80, Blizzard are absolutely making it P2W.


So after those of us with early access got our mains/alts (in some cases) to 80, you’re going to make it even harder for those starting later to level? How does this make sense? Pretty much doesn’t, nor is it fair to those who didn’t want to or couldn’t shell out extra $$$$ to play early.

Tone deaf Blizzard strikes again. Fixes a mistake by making an even bigger mistake. :roll_eyes:


But what does gaining a level do that ilvl or a talent wouldn’t? Talent points being rewarded for finishing an MSQ gives you a reward and gives you power without this scaling issue.

“Next time, you need to purchase Early Access. We mean it. Sorry poors. Start saving now”


You know waht I can’t wait for now. The first 11.1.0 patch, where they’ll introduce the new area… Where you can only walk. Not run, you literally will walk everywhere. It’ll be like the Maw and Korthia had a baby that the Jailor went full jailor on.


Blizzard is just sandbagging anyone who didn’t pay for EA at this point :rofl:


IDK, can you explain why you enjoy everything that you do? I just enjoy it. It’s been a staple for me in RPGs since I was first introduced to Final Fantasy games and the Pokemon gameboy games.

That also carried into TTRPGs. I like leveling up in those as well.

I like getting new perks (like the hero talents) and I will very often level fresh characters instead of running the same handful of dungeons or one raid for months at a time. Can you explain to me why anyone would enjoy doing that?

Number goes up and it feels good. Getting gear upgrades kinda hits that, but the closest endgame system they implemented that scratches this itch was azerite farming.

I play RPGs for the story and the leveling, WoW’s no different. If they removed the leveling experience from a new expansion, it wouldn’t feel like a new expansion to me, it’d feel like a patch. Leveling through a new story is the #1 thing I look forward to the most.

Why??? At around 78 the enemies become fairly difficulty even for my 480 geared toon. I cant imagine what happens after this nerf.