Leveling an Alt is impossible without RDF

its not impossible, but okay

Ask the devs

Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.

I think they’d say they’re okay with this as long as everybody is playing the “right” way.

As for what’s the point, I’d imagine it’s the same for people in retail. They find it fun.

That’s kind of what Classic is. The term “raid or die” was coined for a reason. They didn’t really move away from this until may MoP?

No one wants to discuss RDF. The topic isn’t worth the time.

I don’t think it needs to be discussed, it just needs to be in the game

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Today, without RDF, My alts ran Nexus - 70 mage, 73 prot warrior, 70 pally tank, and then UK on my prot warrior. Thanks to /5 LookingForGroup.

Perhaps the reason you WAHRDFWAHH people can’t get groups - is a you problem. Maybe on your server you sound just as miserable and unlikeable as one would think you are on the forums.

I agree, it is impossible for you.

That being said, there are people on my server who have leveled 2 to 80 and on that has 3 80s.

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Doesn’t change the fact that we need RDF.

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Why are you playing then? Your attitude sucks so bad man, they bring back the literal best expansion they ever made and all you can find the time to do is whine on the forums, I’m sure if they added RDF you would find something else to cry about.
Go play Shadowlands, it’s clearly what you prefer.


^ Great example of an attitude that sucks, as you say.

If you don’t like RDF threads or the eventual change they’ll bring to the game just ignore them. These forums exist for the community to provide feedback, and now that we’ve gone along with Brian’s hubris-driven “no RDF or racechanges -oops I mean just no RDF ;)” experiment the results are in that it failed fantastically.

It’s just going to be a LOT less awkward for Blizzard to deal with adding in RDF before Blizzcon when they’re forced to interact with their own community in person for the first time in their careers.

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It seems to be working just fine on my server as well. I even saw a ZF group build last night while I was doing some quests in Tanaris with a friend. I think people expect instantaneous groups for whatever content they feel like doing at any given time, and that’s just never been realistic in WoW. Even RDF didn’t offer that, so if it ever does get added, the folks complaining here are gonna move right along to topics about DPS queue times :frowning:

You don’t need it, you want it. A lot of folks are having trouble differentiating between the two.

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There’s enough quests.

More than enough.

How would you even know lol

I quested from 70 to 80 as a shadow priest.

Only completed Howling Fjord, Storm Peaks, Dragonblight, Troll area.

I’m still doing the quests for money and loremaster for last couple of weeks in Icecrown.

So yeah there’s more than enough.


no the answer is RFD or let me level my alts by running them with my main like i used to do and should be able to do but for some reason i cant wrap my mind around bliz made it so u cant powerlevel anymore and u only get 1 level 70 boost buy what is going on. Worst case they should allow unlimited 70 boost then its really stupid


I think that’s a silly take that your making, your clearly projecting your view of RDF onto my post that makes no polarizing statements whatsoever about the need/not need for RDF, I’m clearly just stating that OP just hates Classic WOTLK from his language alone, therefore his opinions and feedback are worthless, as the addition of RDF does nothing to change his opinions that this version of the game isn’t already a “a dead reboot of an MMO”

Are you incapable of reading? The point is that people already hit 80 and don’t want to repeat every single quest all over again. What’s hard to get about that?

RDF would solve it by giving people a way to run dungeons while questing and without having to put in any significant effort to leave their quest area to the dungeon or waste time flying around.

Wasn’t responding to you, troll.

Im pretty sure the op said he already has a main and 1 alt fully leveled in other threads.

other than that im not having issues leveling my alt. did 3 levels over one weekend while i wasnt playing my main for a little while.

Of course it does, it’s a dead reboot of an MMO BECAUSE there is no RDF.

I want to play the game but I literally can’t because leveling is a complete pain.

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