Leveling 10-60 Through PvP only ( how long )

I somehow had 30k from what I remember. I was able to get a full set and level up a few pieces to 3.

It is capped at 15k.

If you wear a diaper and hate sleeping.

It takes awhile, there’s a good chance you’ll hate it.

PVP doesn’t improve until after 50 leveling wise. Anything before that, every hunter skill on every spec is guaranteed to do 3x your own skills. Not to mention twinks.

Blizzard really needs to add some more skill ranks at the lower levels. It’s pretty ridiculous, at this point low-tier pvp is just the farming ground for honor kill achievements.

A Mechagnome?

Takes too long. XP is an insult and gear does not drop either. You need Heirlooms upgraded to max or PvP gear from previous expansion but vendors all are all over the place and it requires you to have atleast hundred Marks Of Honor grinded before that.

Leveling via BGs was absolutely doable in the past but even then the XP was an insult. Because devs don’t want us to play PvP only.

remove XP from bgs