Leveling 10-60 Through PvP only ( how long )

Yo yo! I was curious to know if anyone already did it or got an idea of how long it would take to level up to 60 doing on PvP ( BGs ) :thinking:

maybe a week. depends on how much you play. i suggest keeping your ilvl up to or above whatever BoAs are from 10-49. if you cant get to ilvl 100 at 50( yes it requires locking xp) i woudnt pvp from 50-55. at 50 bfa capped accounts can get around 135 ilvl. we’ve(capped 50’s)had all of this expac to run nya and some players have the 140 pieces from rivendreth. ouchy.
in 51-59 the syncd players get a 129 ilvl template which is about what a level 56 would be if every slot had a BoA equipped. limping into bgs with gear from 10 levels ago wont fly when you’re up against players with double your hp.

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a Week, ok ok not bad

Set yourself up with some professions.
PVP currency (Marks) are also excellent.

A week? Bg leveling is really slow. Especially if you aren’t winning all the time. I think you would have to be playing a whole lot to lvl to 60 in just BGs.


more or less depending on BoA xp bonus. if you log out in a city etc. maybe its faster for me because i haven’t had to start any new toons from scratch since i have a stable of twinks squished down to lower brackets. old 29’s are 13. old 39’s are now 17. lol its like blizzard is thanking me for min/maxing all these years. i can play a lvl 17 toon with grandfathered trinkets that nobody has ever seen in that bracket.

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They did good here imo, nothing GFD is really gamebreaking.
Everything new is arguably better, Green BOES outclass epics even.
Scaled Trinkets from CT have a better PPM + stats.
The old stuff is cooler though for sure.

Don’t do it. 50-60 will take absolutely forever if you only queue random BGs. At least throw in instance queues

Are you here to speed level or PVP?
That is the question hehe.

No speed level, I just want to see how long it will take if I only do BGs.

If you are going for win efficiency, professions will be very beneficial.
Each bracket can be upgraded, before joining/halfway through.
BFA jewelry via neck and rings have a nice ideal stat allotment + sockets.
Engineering has lots of the fun stuff+ too.

PvP is how I level usually. Great way to learn a class.

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currently lvl 40 with 1day and 5hours Played time…

The good thing if you level through BG’s is you’ll have a lot of honor juice to just buy a full honor set and upgrade it to 3 right when you hit 60. That’s what I did. Gl on your games.

wow low level pvp is painful its a twink fest you will be deleted in a second it will be a painful journey.


only 20 and 50 has tinks new friend.
if you’re getting dominated from 10-59 maybe its you.

pretty slow lvling tbh, I think pet battling might be faster lol.

Maybe it’s Maybelline.


it caps at 15k I think

im definitely born with it.

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