Levelers abusing layers

A month from now, nobody will care how long it took you to get to 60. You should worry less about what other people are doing and just enjoy the game at your own pace.

I agree this layering abuse shouldn’t stand however, just no reason to get upset over it, what is the guy going to do? sit around by himself with nobody to play with for weeks?


Is it a “feature” or system structure?
If it is indeed a feature, is he using it as it was intended?

So two things.

1 - There’s no achievements so who cares.

2 - He exploited the system and won’t be recognized as a legitimate first.

Ahahahaha ok

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Layering working as intended. No exploit. No ban.

Early grats to Jokerd on world first 60.


Doesn’t really matter what you call it. It’s part of the game as blizzard designed it, it’s not a bug, it’s working as intended, he is making the most of it.

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In my opinion, he just took advantage of a system that was designed for something other than what he was using it.
This could have been fixed and Blizzard should have known.
I don’t think he deserves a ban however, it’s not a vanilla mechanic so put an asterisk next to his name.
The first to 60 without doing this is who should be recognized.


It’s part of the system Blizz put in place so itsnot cheating.

And seriously who cares if their First to 60…then they sit and wait for more 60 to level for dungeons and raids… Lmao

He should’ve been using dial-up if he really wanted to prove he could do it vanilla style. Let’s be real, world first attempts have never in the history of ever been influenced by out-of-game events [in my perfect imagining].

Does anyone really care about “world first 60” in Classic? It’s not impressive at all.

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It doesn’t really bother me, but for what it’s worth Blizzard has banned players for exploits that don’t technically break the rules before. They don’t even really have a rulebook when it comes to exploits.

That said, if they considered this an exploit they probably would have mentioned it at some point before launch.

If they didn’t intend for people to swap between layers at will, they would’ve removed the ability to do so.

Yes. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean no one else does.

He has thousands of viewers on his stream for a reason.

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Clever use of game mechanics. Next

Happened 15 years ago


Uh, no. Classic only came out Monday.

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I never understood the fascination with watching people play the game. If I want to see some idiot playing a video game I’ll put a mirror on top of my monitor.


Most of the streamers i saw playing made me feel like they strongly needed a therapist with the kind of behaviour they were displaying.

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Why do people watch sports?

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