This smacks of the guy who used to mob tag stuff and level at an exponential rate. Was that listed in the ToS? because I know he got banned or had his levels stripped (was in TBC and even Wrath, I think).
i would think this goes against the spirit of the game if not the letter of the law, and i would think blizzard would do something about it.
I saw this dude on twitch. By hopping he gets endless AOE spawn with no breaks or waits. Clever use of the system, not sure it breaks any rules. It is kind of lame though. He’d still be below level 40 on an old style server.
whatevs, if people want to shave a couple years off their life and obliterate their basic kidney and bladder functions to say they got level 60 first in a rerelease of a 15 year old game… i guess thats their choice to make.
Excuse me, excuse me! Mister authority; mister authority! These people over here have voluntarily decided to work together in a manner that makes them more efficient and effective than me!
I think it’s one of the scummiest forms of entertainment on the planet that sucks away cash from soddering morons too young to understand its value 90% of the time, who’re chasing after the dopamine rush of having balding manchildren and siddy ttreamers saying their name. I see the rise of stream donation farmers as not dissimilar in intent from mtx-loaded monstrosities.
I also think you have a massive insecurity complex because some guy got to 60 in a clever way. Isn’t this also the guy that doesn’t have a brother but said he did as a joke? Even if he was account sharing with family, that stuff happens on the reg and doesn’t tend to lean towards account security issues. Or should every parent out there scream at their child if they dare to want to give the game a go on their folks’ account?
Eh, i think it becomes a slippery slope real quick. One second its a dude ‘world firsting’ 60 while account sharing on the down low, the next you’ll have all these ~esports pRo GaMeRz~ playing the same account in shifts. if you allow one, you’re allowing the other.
Account sharing with family in the same household is definitely not against TOS. Happens all the time. I’m just saying that when it comes to a race for firsts people wont look at it as seriously as someone who did it all themselves. Regardless of how they did it, as long as they were the only one on that account.
Not bashing the guy at all for the layering abuse, altho it is a bit abusive.