Level-Up Your Warlock and Pets

So… the observer is going away because people in PVP are confused by its silhouette, but now it’s only going to be available as a pvp talent? Do I have that right?


Well, that PvP talent isn’t the same as the Observer we’re complaining about, since that Talent already exists in the game currently. But yes, I guess?

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Honestly, I don’t like PvP talents very much. Feels like we’re losing abilities restrict them to one type of content.

I think they should bring Observer as a new demon, perhaps as a void-themed dps pet. Or just keep the appearance as people want.

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Same reason hunters lost pet specs :rage:

Are you seriously asking to explain the paradox of a time-displaced orc?

Please read up the lore:

It’s always the most ignorant that are the most proud of their own ignorance.

We can’t enjoy a semblance of imagination in a high fantasy game without someone enforcing their single-player canon.

Can I give my pet pink gnome pigtails?

I don’t know if this was asked yet, because I don’t want to sift through 126 replies.

Is it just the two new skins for pets? Or are they doing voidwalker + wrath/felguard as well? Are they reskinning the succubus too? Or is that just there for no reason? The model in the OP photo is an old Legion skin from a tome in a dungeon.

There’s a customization list with screenshots here: https://www.wowhead.com/news/warlock-customizations-available-on-the-barber-shop-in-10-1-5-first-look-333492

So far, multitudes of imp, felhunter, voidwalker, succubus. Two options for infernal, felguard, and doomguard.

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I know many have said it but I hope this opens up some undead pet cosmetics. I still wish it was a cosmetic “enslaving” system similar to hunter tames.

Oh snap, that’s actually really awesome. Love that red infernal. :exploding_head:

Might have to dust off my Warlock for 10.1.5, lol.

am I the only one who absolutely hates the observer???

No. My kid hates it too. And that alone is reason to keep it lol

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No, its ugly and the frilly bits around it have had a bugged animation for an expansion or two now, but thats no reason to remove it for those who like it.

As a warlock fanatic (I have a level 60-70 of every race that can be warlocks, and next week, I’ll add all the new races!) I can’t wait for this, so i can customize my demon pals

At least make the lock in the picture look like a fel-weaving demon-enslaving/controlling hero and not some nerd…

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I feel like OP is trolling cuz the 50% buff is going away the same day new races are being unlocked for warlocks lol. Like…they couldn’t just extend it a little longer?

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Give Draenei red skin tone options to go along with being warlocks, please and thank you.


Im sad I will lose my Observer. My Willie pet is gonna lose his big brother and thats just not right.


Lightforged Draeni literally tattoo their bodies with the light, and the power of the Naaru. They are weapons against demons and the darkness. They should not be able to be warlocks. But, what else is new. Seems like lore isn’t important anymore.