Level-Up Your Warlock and Pets

Leave it to a demon hunter to defend Blizzard for taking things away from warlocks.


Say what? In this instance (not talking about what they have taken from locks in the past) blizz are giving locks more options… not less lol?

And trust me i’m the first to call out blizzards bad behaviour, I complain about blizz’s actions more than I compliment. Wayyyy more lol. But yeh in this case, in terms of what’s best for the longevity of the game and player engagement and moving in a more modern MMO direction then yes I feel blizzard opening all races to all classes is a good move :slight_smile:

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Boo, Hunter Devs: Boo.

I still like my bat. Scares people in pvp.


Pretty sure you have to be at Gul’dan’s level.

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The Observer offended the developers, so they’re deleting it forever even if every Warlock player despises the decision.

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You can, it’s a capstone talent for Demo.

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“Level-up” implies we can level them up, by giving them new abilities, or different weapons.

But instead, we just get an Americans Next Top Model feature?


I think the Observer saw a little too much of the Cosby room and didn’t say anything, so they had to sack it.


sso let me get this straight only 2 pets are gonna get new skins and its 2 of the ugliest ones out there? AND ITS FROM A ONCE A MONTH EVENT? are you serious? cause i dont see anything for the succubus or felguard or wrathguard?


So if your cellphone maker decided to disable the cameras on their devices because they make them and can do whatever they wish with it, you wouldn’t be upset?

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Apples and Oranges lol.

If cellphone companies did that then they would rightly have a consumer law case thrown against them.

Making goods, selling them with that promise and then taking away a feature is illegal.

What blizzard are doing is like being an author of a book or movie with an ending lots of die hard fans hate. It isn’t illegal, you own the book you bought but the author has all rights to the story and characters, which is the same as blizzards case here. Nothing illegal about that.

Edit: I just want to add that I do get it, theres people who are super passionate about wows lore and they feel like its being crapped over and dragged through the mud and that really does suck, especially if that is a main feature of the game for peeps. Its just a hard balancing act between those who only care about gameplay and those who care about lore. I’m honestly sorry for those that the lock lightforged thing upsets :frowning:


Pretty sure there’s a load of skins on the barbershop. Succubus got 3. Infernals got the abyssal one as well. Felguard got the Wrathguard at least. Imps are the ones with the most options, I think.

The quest is probably not related to the customizations. Maybe it doesn’t require you to wait for Darkmoon F. to open up. At the same time, it’s not much of a hassle having to wait a little. I mean, we pay in months to play the game, so there’s at least one darkmoon.

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Me when hearing about this: Oooh all races as warlocks, neat!

Me when seeing a Lightforged warlock with my own eyeballs: the lord is testing me


You can’t and you don’t speak for every Warlock player, case and point I have been a Warlock main since I started playing WoW and I currently have 12 of them and I play all of them and with new Warlock races coming soon enough I intend on having even more of them and I’m complete fine with Blizzard removing the observer because personally I have never liked it and I have never even had access to it it outside of way back when, when the talent grimoire of supremacy existed and it auto changed your demons to so called stronger versions but even then I never used it so.

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Warlock got enough love, SL would have been a great time for some pet DK customization love, it didnt, now its time DK PETS LOVES, theres plenty of new model from maldraxxus and that is to keep a tight variants of all the possible models


That’s a problematic view point. “You’re fine with Blizzard removing options from ALL Warlocks because you personally don’t like it.”

I personally don’t like the Felhound, but I am not saying that Blizzard should yeet it out of existance. But maybe I should?


Saying that I don’t care personally means I personally don’t care if they remove it because I’m only speaking for myself not others.

Maybe you missed the whole point of my post which is that no one speaks for everyone else they speak for themselves.

With this I wouldn’t support you but I also wouldn’t care because I don’t use it either so by all means go for it.

No, I absolutely understood what you meant. I just don’t think what you meant is a good thing.


I swear whoever decided to put up a Lightforged as the poster-child warlock is having a massive giggle rn.


I’ve been using the Hellrender axe from Mythic Hellfire Citadel on mine, I think it looks better than the sword anyway.

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