Level-Up Your Warlock and Pets

Oh. None of them. Sorry. :dracthyr_love_animated:

The consequences of personal loot, etc. I have some super cool weapons on my Warrior I’d love to use on my Warlock but can’t because my Warlock needs to have the weapon in their bags and it feels dated. Dated!

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I mean…

Jokes aside, yea it’s wild.

AH! Void Drani!

Holds up staff pointing it at the draeni

Stay back!


Hunter pets don’t interrupt but they do…
Have 3 talent trees with its own abilities,
Give the hunter a unique attack based on the pets talent bloodlust/ mitigation/ mobility cleanse.
Have numerous buffs with similar abilities, snare, healing debuff, pet damage mitigations, self dispels just like warlocks.
All hunter pets can stun with a talented ability btw.
And then you got spirit beasts which have an extra unique ability on top of that.

Vs Warlocks who just have cosmetic options between a dumb demon dog and a smart eyeball lasering pet that can silence… Its literally two pets to remember vs all wow-petopia for pvp hunters/players

You can see for yourself how much variety there is for hunter pets, different silhouettes and unique buffs to keep track of.


Hunters can tame basilisks but theres also a pvp talent that summons a basilisk so by the PvP argument logic the entire basilisk family needs to be removed.


Do any pets still immobilize for hunter or just snare?

Why are you removing a model I’ve had for im pretty sure over a decade?


Just a 50% slow.

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It would be interesting to know what data backed up the decision or if it really was just a “mad gamer” decision.

Probably the latter, knowing Blizzard balancing decisions for PvP. Which is yet another reason they should never develop around that pillar…


Honestly I would bet its an internal issue, like maybe an issue with the model working right in the new system or something, and they’re just claiming it to be for PvP reasons.


Heaven forbid they do something like flame cats for Druid despite all the different race models… seems pretty similar!

Might need to remove werebears too.


Hooking myself up to the copium and choosing to believe that a talent or extra family is coming.


Its a poor excuse. If its a technical say that and just bring it back later. Making up a crap excuse just makes what should be a jubilant time for locks into one of loss.


I am sure these models will some how break the game even more than it is already lol!

May I please have a hot pink Voidwalker? Because that would be just the height of giggle worthy silliness.


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Bat if I recall (been a while).

The new customization for the felhunter is the Heroes of the Storm mount color variants.

These are significantly less impressive than the Observer.

Please do not remove the Glyph of the Observer and state “silhouette” when Wrathguard, Shivarra, and hunters with all their pets still exist in the game.

It’s been around for 10 years and should not be removed for such a false narrative reason.

You can pretend you haven’t seen the dozens of threads and thousands of posts from people all over calling you out on this, but sooner or later you will have to answer to the warlocks.


Please dont remove the observer


If the datamines are correct, there are a fair number of Voidwalker appearances to collect, including the original blueberry and Void Lord options.

Hoping this kind of customization gets further expanded upon, not just for warlocks but other classes as well


I’ll take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Succubus has a model that doesn’t have the same silhouette but remains in-game.

What is the truth behind this. WHAT DID THE EYE DO!