Level-Up Your Warlock and Pets

Because blizzard doesn’t know how to properly do anything, this includes lying to the community, which they can’t even get right.


Will we get the ability to modify our Felguards at all? As a PVE demo lock I don’t really ever use other demons, unless a raid calls for a magic cleanse or CC (and I already have the gorgeous Incubus for that).

Please tell me there is an all green flame void-walker.

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There is not.

Based. :sunglasses: :+1:

Let the salt flow from those pretending to care about the lore yet are completely ignorant of it.

fed! shill! lackey!

Please Blizzard don’t remove the Observer-Felhound glyph! Although I myself have never used it there is no reason to remove it!


Weak by them for not replying.
Get gud company. Communicate? Like you said you would, bunch of liars


It’s always the most ignorant that are the most proud of their own ignorance.
Explain how the literal oxymoron of “Mag’har warlock” is possible. Stop and explain it to me, right now. While you do so, I also want you to explain to me how you can pick something up while also putting it down.


Except my best looking demon would be the Observer, WHICH YOU ARE DELETING FROM US WARLOCKS! So this line is a lie.


Still waiting. Explain it.
Lets hear it.


Customize your demons with our new Warlock rep grinds.

You want a cool design for your felhunter?
Reach triple exalted with the new faction called Demonizers.

If its just a few reasonable quest chains and not some ridiculous drawn out boring grind then I guess I am in but I doubt it will be anything but grindy.

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As expected, nothing.
That’s how you know a shill poster vs. a typical lore-illiterate Blizz fanboy. The fanboy will at least attempt to use made up lore to defend himself.


Anyone putting together a big vigil on the 10th for us to say goodbye to our Observers before they are carelessly locked away forever in the Twisting Nether?


Shouldn’t have to, Blizzards should own up and come out and give the real reason instead of a poor excuse that holds no weight, and then as a show of good faith to redeem themselves, leave it in the game.


How do you “earn” the ones that are non-imp related?? I know of no drops that exist. Are the glyphs staying around??

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Yeah, I knew this wasn’t going to happen as soon as we saw the Observer get canned. Sorry, but Blizzard has confirmed that the average PvPer brain is too smooth to decipher what kind of warlock demon is on the field


Haha, I’m sure DKs will be next for their huge customization stuff


huffs copium


Which pet customization do you guys want to lose?

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I’m fairly confident bat and bird screech was removed or changed for some other effect, because overencumberance of interrupts and other forms of CC.


Interesting it comes on the heels of nerfing kicks across the board.