Level-Up Your Warlock and Pets

#SaveTheObserver no legit reason to remove it!!!

Still gone because they dont care. Tone def devs as always, they only listen when subs dip.


Pretty fitting phrasing for Warlocks.

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What happens if you already have a pet glyphed with the Observer?

Is it automatically reverted back to standard Felhunter?

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Ion personally logs into your character and uses the vanishing powder to remove the glyph while saying “there can only be one watcher”.

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Would be nice if Warlocks got to summon a Pitlord as a pet.


I am pretty sure the game just retroactively switches back to Felhunter. I copied this Warlock, which is Glyphed to have the Observer, over to the PTR and the character can not summon the Observer.

Edit: Doesn’t Demonology have a talent choice that allows for rng summoning of demons, one being the Pitlord, as part of the rotation? Been so long since I dabbled in Demo that I can’t remember anymore and I am too lazy to login to check.

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I’ll use vanishing powder on Ion if he tried…

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Aww well that’s disappointing. I banked a couple of glyphs for safekeeping hehe.

And that ability for demo is Gul’Dan’s Ambition which summons a Pitlord after the Nether Portal closes.

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Hardly ever use the imp on my lock, but like the new look.

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Yes, it’s quite hilarious to watch them disrespect both their lore and the people that actually give a crap about it.
Quite funny indeed.


I lol’d. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It’s their own intellectual property and they have full rights to do whatever they wish with it.
Imagine getting this hurt over something that you didn’t invent and therefor have zero authority over.

We play a fantasy game, that’s the beauty of fantasy. The lore can be written and retconned and manipuated as much as the owners want cos it isn’t bound by any hard and fast rules.

You don’t like the way it’s gone and I get that and then my sympathies are to you.

But that doesn’t take away from how funny it can be to others that blizzard chose to put THAT race in the pic xD Kind of slapping down that they really can and will do what they like cos it’s their lore to play with :wink:

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There’s no point in talking to a person like you.


Leave it to a demon hunter to defend Blizzard for taking things away from warlocks.


Say what? In this instance (not talking about what they have taken from locks in the past) blizz are giving locks more options… not less lol?

And trust me i’m the first to call out blizzards bad behaviour, I complain about blizz’s actions more than I compliment. Wayyyy more lol. But yeh in this case, in terms of what’s best for the longevity of the game and player engagement and moving in a more modern MMO direction then yes I feel blizzard opening all races to all classes is a good move :slight_smile:

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Boo, Hunter Devs: Boo.

I still like my bat. Scares people in pvp.


Pretty sure you have to be at Gul’dan’s level.

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The Observer offended the developers, so they’re deleting it forever even if every Warlock player despises the decision.

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You can, it’s a capstone talent for Demo.

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“Level-up” implies we can level them up, by giving them new abilities, or different weapons.

But instead, we just get an Americans Next Top Model feature?