Level squish was worst idea since old world revamp

I don’t mind the squish so much. It’s the scaling that is screwed up.


I remember back when the WotLK patch dropped and everyone was excited because you could now solo strath if you were like a Ret pally or had BT+ gear

Now people lose their marbles because they can’t 1 bang raid bosses


Im actually fine with that.
They blew this squish if thats the plan, though.
When SL gets shuffled, since they didnt make all old content scale exactly the same (classic is 1-30…up thru BFA 1-50 and like Vuldun is 30-50) theyre going to have to squish it all again if SL is going to follow the same pattern of being ‘harder’ than the previous expansions.

They should have just done what it sounded like they were doing…ALL old content was 1-50 and exactly the same…and when we outleveled it, it would scale to 35 so it was easy to farm.
Had they done that SLs could be squished to the exact same scale, our levels reduced to 50 again and new content would be up thru 60.

The way theyve done it old content will need squished again sooner or later making it kind of a waste of time to do it in the first place.

Uh, cata revamped zones are some of the better questing areas in the game tbh.

I think theyre losing their warbles because bliz SAID it’d be the same after the squish…it was anything but. I tested it right before and right after.

120 converted to 50…not 60.
at 120 my resto druid smoked the first boss in ToS normal just before prepatch dropped.
just after prepatch dropped, that same druid who was exactly the same as before prepatch couldnt lay a hand on that first boss. I couldnt even see his health bar drop before he roasted me in embarrassing ways.

Even after they screwed with it I still wasnt able to beat him as before.
It finally is close to what it was, but not the same as they said it would be.
I think thats been the bulk of a lot of the complaints about it.


These posts about not being able to solo old content genuinely makes me believe that the majority of the wow playerbase plays with no hands

I literally did HFC twice with no problem. You guys are grossly exaggerating.

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I think this would be ideal as long as level 50s today stay level 50, LOL! That way, I can still take some alts who decided not to go to the Shadowlands to the next place right away.

Yea I want to be able to solo mythic bfa battle for Dazaralor for my favorite transmog but… can’t even kill an add in there solo. So stupid.

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it’s a completely irrelevant change for anyone except the very rare people who live for old-content Tmog runs.

they won’t even be looking back at this.

It’s just that in 8.2 you could solo most of antorus as unholy and now it’s several times harder despite having 10 levels and 50 ilvls.

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all blizz had to do is leave heirlooms alone, mass xp buff to leveling and leveling to 130 would have been cake. The old world wouldn’t be in the mess it is now.

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no…you literally havent been paying attention. LIke I said…I TESTED it out of curiousity BEFORE prepatch and AFTER prepatch to see if their claims were true…that it would be the same…it wasnt.

Every time they do a squish we end up losing out in the long run.


Its just a stat squish, we have had at least two of those in the past before and were pretty much required - just this time they included a level squish with it.

And both other time we had issues with scaling in older content till it was fixed.

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Only thing Cata has going for it is it was a pre pruning xpac

was trash

Actually if they ever revamp old content , the level squish makes a whole lot of sense …

Isnt Azeroth suppose to change a whole lot while we are in the shadowlands for 2 years ??

They did not squish it randomly and they did it for something else in the future , just like every feature , we are beta testing them on live for an entire expansion for them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

dont know what youre whining about, if you cant do raids from 4 years ago, you need to reconsider your wow future, im not having any problems with any of them.

ya but we are weaker at 60 then we where at 120, infact some 59s are stronger then 60.

There are, apparently, people who only play the game currently to collect mogs I guess. To each their own but I was really unaware of this segment of the playerbase until the scaling got screwed up and there were daily threads about not being able to solo Legion raids.

And that is not an issue with the numbers 60 and 59.

That’s an issue with Blizzard breaking linear math.