Level squish vanilla leveling

Hey guys, basic question - when the level squish happens in pre-patch, will we be able to level 1-50 in the vanilla zones? I’m seeing conflicting info on this.

Sorry if this has been covered to death.

If by Vanilla you mean post cataclysm zones. Yes.

If you mean pre cata. No, those zones technically no longer exist in retail.


So long as you are in Chromie Time, yes.

At 35, you can go to the Cataclysm zones if you want to, but it is not needed, you can continue in vanilla zones and dungeons.


Yeah I figured Cata would be included, but I guess I basically am asking if you can level 1-50 in just the classic zones?

That’s how it’s SUPPOSED to work if they’ve done Chromie Time correctly.

Nah, Classic content stops scaling at level 35. You could pick up your leveling in Hyjal after that though.

Oh so it doesn’t split up revamp and high level cata? Bleh, definitely won’t be picking cata chromie time for any of my alts then.

Damn that sucks. Why would they not allow you to just level in classic zones to 50?

Is that a rhetorical question? I can’t answer for the devs, man.

I just checked this, and while in Chromie Time, Cata 1-60 zones do, in fact, scale to 50. They only stop prior to that, at 30, if you’re in the present.

They go all the way to 50 IF you are in Chromie Time. My level 119 mage, when she is on the PTR is level 49. I went to the NE starting area and hit 50 there. Yes, you can just stay in the classic zones.

The only limitation, when in Chromie Time, is that you cannot enter Cata zones until level 35. The reverse is not true.

So what do I select to be able to level 1-50 entirely in classic zones. I guess I’m still confused. lol

Technically, all vanilla zones are not these days. They are actually low level Cata zones. Just choose that one.

You actually cannot queue for any dungeons other than BfA if you are not in Chromie Time, and the way you get to be able to queue for Vanilla dungeons is by being on Cata time.

So if in Chromie time I choose Cata, I can level 1-50 in all classic zones? Is so, awesome.

Yeah, the only downside many of us have had, outside of some balance issues, is that you level so quickly, you will get kickout of Chromie Time before you finish your second zone most of the time.

We used to be able to do the stop exp guy up, but for some reason, Chromie Time prevents stopping exp and stopping exp prevents Chromie Time.

Really disappointed there as I was looking forward to being able to do old content dungeons when I wanted to again.


should be a different way of gaming, yet not. and no xp booth. scenic route through the past… i like it

Well, in “classic” zones; it’s not the original zones but how they were remade in Cata.


Right, that’s what I mean.

I wish you could just do that. No one had a clue at the limitation.

Those of us on the PTR have been trying to get it so that you can stay in Chromie Time if you want, you just cannot level past 50 in it.


We keep hoping for the chance it will be made that way, or at least allow you to turn off exp if you want before you hit 49 and be able to enjoy the older stuff.

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ok I think I got it, guys. thanks