Level Anew with Threads of Fate

It kind of is, but at the same time kinda isn’t.

When you complete the Threads of Fate you can even choose to automatically jump to Reknown 2, without having to do all the covenant “open stuff up” quests.

When I ran my first alt through I did about half the quests available per zone to complete the zone meta-quest. This means that you actually can have three fairly unique experiences: the main story quest, then one half the zone for the Threads, then the other half of the zone for the threads.

I wish we could skip the Maw intro as well. It was cool the first one or two times but such a pain now.

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Maybe allow mageportal to Oribos, or warlock summon?

I think the biggest issue right now is that I completed leveling my second character by doing the campaign quest. I’m legit 1/4 of the way through Revendreth. I didn’t think to turn on ToF at 59.9999~ so now I need to complete the rest of this story that I just heard last week before I can even start catching up on this character??? I think that’s some really stupid system there Blizzard.

Agreed, it doesnt even tell you on the initial threads page that if you hit 60 then you can no longer skip the rest of the quests. Made that mistake earlier today and ended up slogging through the rest when I couldve just used it at 59.x and made it easier…let us use it even after 60, threads honestly isn’t fast enough to be worth it on its own from 50 up

Blizzard, either fix your post and the description to expressly state that you cannot choose Threads if you level to 60 through campaign, or hotfix the system to let us choose to at 60. It’s asinine that I have to do 3hrs more content because this wasn’t known when I could’ve activated it at level 59.9999 and been on my merry way…

yeah…just put us in oribos on alts ready to pick our covenant.

I have one quick question and i am hoping that I have not already messed up but if you pick Fate on one alt can you still do story line with another? I only ask as I am waiting on my husband to be able to do our mains together so I have one toon now at 60 and a second that I picked Fate on. I am just hoping that it is not an account wide choice.

There is a mage portal you get Portal or orbis at 58 i belive and teleport to orbis at 52

No, Threads is per character. It’s an option presented immediately upon entering Oribos for the first time on an alt character.

If you’re wanting to straight level a toon as fast as possible, story mode is the way to go.

However, if you personally can’t stand it. Threads isnt terrible. I’ve leveled all 4 of my alts doing it.

I still see people trying to do the bonus objectives. These objectives are straight up time sinks. You do not need to do a single bonus objective to complete the progress bar, nor do you really need to complete the progress bars. They are a great chunk of exp, and should be worked towards, but they are not a requirement of threads. You can simply abandom them once you ding 60. And if im not mistaken, blizz is hotfixing this to auto complete now once you ding 60. The side quests and dailies should easily cover it.

And not every side quest is shown on the map either. Hit the flight paths, do a few dungeon runs, and run side quests and dailies and before you know it, youll ding 60. It is slower, but if you don’t need a 60 in a day, its not a terrible option.

except they help to give you some catch up for reknown

After a month of testing, I can report that you don’t have to keep a close eye on your exp before Fate-ing, you can ding 60 on Story and then still Fate out and pick your covenant.