Yeah if there is a skip for the 80 Campaign quests I haven’t found it yet. Though as far as I know we don’t have to do it.
Well that’s dumb. That’s like complaining about not being able to skip side quests just because they’re still available even if you choose not to do them.
Not sure what you mean. I’m able to skip it. And upon 80 I get a quest to talk to Brann to get a campaign skip to the post-MSQ stuff.
Its not entirely inaccurate. If you finish the Azj-Kahet campaign, you are locked out of the skip quest. This is pretty annoying for my alt who did Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet and is stuck with the Coreway all damaged until I get around to doing the Isle of Dorn campaign on him.
you skip the leveling and ignore the lvl 80. It isnt a hard thing to do
You realize you can just not pick the campaign up right? I leveled 2 alts just doing side quests and never touched a single campaign quest. Just because it’s offered, doesn’t mean you have to touch them.
I guess my personal concern is, if I swap mains after new campaign chapters come out, how easy or tough would it be to continue the campaign on one of them and not having to double up doing campaign chapters on any two characters.
Usually new chapters that come with patches, are completely separate. Meaning you do not have to do any sort of catch up. I only ever do the campaign quests on 1 character, and my alts always skip.
It’s not incorrect information, you just wrongly inferred I was talking about the leveling campaign.
Idk about you but I only ran 3 dungeons or so before starting the campaign on my warrior and I only made it halfway through zone 2 before hitting 80. I didn’t even touch or see hallowfall until my second lvl 80 which I made it about 70% through hallowfall and didn’t get to start the last area or final campaign quests at all, now I’m having to spam dungeons/battlegrounds to catch up with gearing so I don’t get stomped and don’t have any time to actually see the rest of the campaign.
It’s like everyone can’t read what he wrote and just wants to get outraged. He wrote about the level 80 campaign. The endgame campaign you start after the zone stories. And that one you CAN’T skip. And I agree that this sucks a lot.