Level 8 cloak, 5 vessels, 20k coalescing visions

It 100% does survive that way. You are free to quit until the next content comes out. Your sub is NOT needed. WoW’s success does not hinge on your whinging presence.

Shadowlands has the lowest amount of announced content of any expansion and that suggests otherwise. Budget cuts and all that.

It’s almost like they want to force you to run it. Level 10 with 5 in the bank and 21k cv and it’s only wednesday.

If it weren’t for the rep grind I’d probably stop until next week.

Okay? I’d like to know about the future too but I’m not a psychic. I think it is safe to say that they did not show everything included in shadowlands. If that’s all they are including, I still won’t be unhappy with the game because it will offer raids, dungeons, mythics, new gear, new leveling experience, new spells, new powers, etc. What exactly do you want from the game more than they are offering? It’s crazy how entitled you are. It’s crazy how unappreciative you are about the scale of the game and how much work has to go into it all.

Yes because keeping content secret from consumers is a great way to sell preorders, which they are obviously trying hard to do.

What’s your point? Keeping content secret is a great way of maintaining the surprise and excitement of a launch. Why do you think they care so much about pre-orders? The included month of gametime + 120 boost + mount + pet was enough incentive for most.

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you know 10 is max cloak atm right?

Hmmm yeah you are probably right. Blizzard has a long history of surprising us with unexpected content rather than cutting already announced content. They probably have a lot of cool stuff in the works that they’ve been silent about and just don’t want to spoil the surprise.

Well there’s not really much for them to cut. I think more importantly than blizzard’s behaviour in the past, we should look to the playerbase’s reception of blizzard’s work. We have a long history of being unreasonably disappointed and let down by their expansion announcements. Did it never occur to you that they might want us to curb our enthusiasm for the expansion to avoid that disappointment in the playerbase? It happened almost every expansion so far, why would they want to take chances with such an ungrateful and entitled community? I sure as hell wouldn’t.

Well with how WC3 Reforged launched with all of the content that didn’t get cut and all the pleasant surprises, you are probably right. I like your optimism.

I really dislike your pessimism. It’s ugly.

Wait, where are we? I thought it was opposite day. Does that mean you like my pessimism?

You probably avoid it because your bad.

I find visions to be fun, I want them to put in more solo content that allows people who ply the game casually to rely only on themselves to gear up at a time of their choosing without being selected or rejected from groups due to their class.

Raiding is great. Mythic plus is great. But if you wanna make people truly better players give them single player content that is rewarding that makes it so they can’t be carried by other people.

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They would be 100x better without having to grind for tickets to enter.


Paul approves:

Why are you hoarding your vessels when your cloak is 2 levels behind?

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Good for you I guess?

Some people actually enjoy having punishable content that can be done solo. If that ain’t your cup of tea don’t do it, simple as that.

gear check? yea, little bit. but it’s mainly a skill check. there’s weekly “affixes” that rotate, managing sanity, especially in the zones you ignore since they are the hard zones. the boss also gets buffed with every ability from every zone you complete.

it’s ok man… you’re a hardcore casual that isn’t skilled at the game.

Maybe FFXIV is more your speed. their rotations are a lot more forgiving.

and the dungeons are always old… the affixes every season make things a lot more interesting now, but literally every single expansion of wow has the same dungeons. even legions dungeons get old after a year.

you’re in the wrong genre of game man.

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… DH plays inc. someone is NOT PREPARED

Dude, you just need to find a new game instead of whining that nothing entertains you.
You evidentally sung your swan song a long time ago.

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