Level 70 Boost - Waking Hope Achievement/Questing Unobtainable


My character was boosted but I still wanted to complete achievements. I was able to complease ‘Sojourner of the Waking Shores’, but I am unable to progress any further with the ‘Waking Hope’ achievement.

I have the following completed:

  • Wrathion’s Gambit
  • A Purpose Restored

I can’t find where to start the following (even using WoWhead):

  • The Dragonscale Expedition
  • Dragons in Distress
  • In Defense of Life

Would love some advice on how I need to proceed as a boosted character to complete this achievement. Is it bugged?

Side note - I am unable to select a zone for the quest Adventuring in the Dragon Isles. Could this be causing the issue?

Appreciate any help getting this resolved. Thanks!

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Turn on low lvl tracking wraithion usualy on a bluff near that zone as i recall.


Is your posting character the one that was boosted or are you referring to a different one?

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I am tracking low level quests if that’s what you’re referring to.

Posting on the character in question (Mascha).


Currently left off here, in Stormwind. The comments may be of some help, fingers crossed!

Should that help you get back on track, it should open up the other two stories in succession.


Appreciate the help.

I’ve already scoured WoWhead (including what you’ve linked) to try to find where I can start these and none of the quests are available. :confused:

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I am having the exact same issue. I cannot find where to even start the Waking Hope after being boosted. It is one of the achievements I need for regular flying.

The biggest thing is to make sure Trivial Quests are being tracked, because quite often the “opening” quests are lower level and won’t show up for level 70s.

Like I mentioned before, I am tracking trivial quests and have completed all trivial quests that I come across. An example being Ruby Lifecalling for Sojourner.

So you did check the encampment where Alliance lands on the shores? I’m just trying to be thorough. I know Ekon pointed out to grab the breadcrumb quest in SW, but there should be quests there at the landing site for you to grab.

And too, I wasn’t just addressing the response for you, but the person who also posted saying they were having the exact same issue, but with very little information about it being the “exact same issue”. Very rarely is it that two people are tit for tat stuck at the exact same spot with the exact same completions and the exact same everything, so it’s always best to start at the beginning and work from there.

Yes, I checked the encampment where the Alliance lands. I started some quests there and have done those as far as I could.

Same exact issue here. Ive done most of the campaigns and can’t do Waking Hope withe my boosted character. Cannot select zone from scouting map.

Hey Mascha,

Im having the same issue. I have over a weeks worth of customer support tickets about this issue, long story short customer service is terrible. Probably could guess by now they do know about the issue from what they told me in my ticket, others are having the issue when boosted. Hopefully they will figure this out shortly so we can all get this achievement done! I’m curious if we could do it on another character and still count for the boosted one?

I’m having the exact same issue where I have the quest to check the scouting map and pick a zone but the map is blank and there’s nothing to click and I need to do that specific quest to unlock the next part of it. Which leads you to the quest excuse the mess and allows you to get pathfinder. I opened a ticket as well, and got the generic turn off your add-ons response that doesn’t fix the issue.

Re opened the ticket hopefully they will actually look into the issue instead of giving npc responses

I am also having the exact same issue. I’ve done my homework and at this point this is a proven and known bug.
We need a fix for this Blizzard! Please help us!

The only responses I get back tell me to look it up on wowhead or YouTube there is no fix.

As a work around for Pathfinder you can either level an alt or make an evoker since they start at 58 and just knock out waking hope since pathfinder is account bound that should allow you to unlock it. I’ll do that today and respond with results

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So yeah doing it on an alt worked to get waking hope and now I have Pathfinder

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I think was the answer to this problem.

Oh man. I am so tired I think I misread the zone. Haha. I wont erase the message incase it helps others somehow.

Happy holidays.

same issue cannot choose zone. Therefore I cannot complete waking shores.

having this issue. No options on the scouting map for this character.