Level 50 Stuck Timewalking

I reached level 50 and I am stuck in Timewalking. Cromie does not have options for me. I cant do current dungeons nor older content. I waited a day to see it would correct itself but it hasn’t.

I reached level 50 a few days ago and I am stuck Timewalking. Chromie does not have options for me, either.

When I try to zone into dungeons or raids it says “You cannot enter this instance while participating in a Timewalking Campaign.”

I was in the WotLK campaign when I dinged level 50, but it was in a dungeon. When I got out of the dungeon, I logged off to level other characters. Not all my characters are stuck timewalking, though.

Have you tried dying? Sometimes that removes auras that shouldn’t be there anymore. Take off your gear, fly up high, and dismount.

If that doesn’t work, the next thing I would try would be a UI reset:

Failing that, you should open a ticket.


There seem to be certain situations that can cause it to get stuck on a character. In these situations, the Game Masters should be able to set the character back on the right path.
