Level 30 Capped Raiding!


Me and a group of friends are looking for other like-minded people to cap a character at Level 30 and clear ICC on Heroic and then SWP after, since the scaling is so good. We want to shoot for 25 man Heroic, but we’ll most likely need to do 10m first. We currently have 7 players!

We plan on raiding on monday/tuesday nights at the moment.

If you have any interested at all, add me on discord “Seyair”!

Realm does NOT matter, but must be a horde toon :smiley:


You are doing this in Retail? That may be difficult because everything gives experience points. If you are open to trying something different, see below:

You can disable XP :slight_smile:

Hey! Did this ever work out for you? I think this would be a lot of fun, and was thinking of trying to do the same thing.