Level 1s Farming and Cheating the Honor System with Bots

So uhh, has anyone else noticed this and does blizzard know about this? I was streaming earlier and I saw a bunch of level 1s farming some horde bot at the graveyard in Kharanos. These people are exploiting and cheating the honor system with these bots. Not sure if those are actually bots that keep spawning in the graveyard, but they sure seem like it. They keep running back to the exact same spot, then rezzing with the spirit healer, and instantly get killed by the lvl 1s. Its inflating the honor system.

Player characters don’t get resurrection sickness until lvl 10+ which also makes them an honorless target I believe, but the lvl 5 bots cant get resurrection sickness and are just constantly getting farmed for honor nonstop for hours on end, is there like lvl 1s running around with rank 10-13 or something crazy like that?
Has blizzard noticed this at all?

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First off that’s not possible. Rank is limited by level. I believe the max rank for a lvl 1 player would be rank 3.

What they’re most likely doing is getting bunch of level 1’s to get their 15 HK’s and beef up the honor pool. The more alts they do this with the easier it is for them to rank up their mains.


This ^

Also this ^. It’s purely to increase the honor pool to help everyone rank, not just themselves.
Not sure if it’s against the rules though :thinking:

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No one cares. This helps everyone ranking.


By using a bot to increase the honor pool? Of course its against the rules

Are you really sure it’s a bot? And not just someone using an alt account and ressing themselves?


They aren’t bots. People have been doing these pool parties since phase 2. Get over it.


No there’s not. You can’t pass rank 3 at level 1.

Also, it’s not against ToS.

Also, it literally helps everybody.

Also, consider deleting this thread.


They’re running back to the exact same location and rezzing to the point where it seems botlike. Its like a bot that runs the exact same path on repeat and rezzes everytime it dies.

Again, those are not bots.

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It’s bots.

They inflate the honor pool to allow more bracket slots. A server which would normally have an honor pool of about 2500 people will have an honor pool closer to 10,000+ greatly increasing the number of people who can fit into brackets and rank faster.

Blizzard doesn’t care, they’ve been reported time and time again. Blizzard does not do anything at all about anything unless you make a reddit post and it gets traction.

The Sulfuras bots have been running for about 8 months now

My guild has regular, “pool parties” where you make a gnome, go to an area, and do literally this. They’re not bots. The people doing it aren’t bots. There’s a possibility some people are botting, but the majority of them are newly made characters specifically to inflate the honour brackets.

And, if they are botting, it’s the sole thing bots do that is good for the game as a whole. I’m still not convinced there’s bots though.

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this has been going on for months - its not a bot, its a player (well probably). they’re called pool parties, they expand the number of ranking players in the system and thus expand the number of slots for the higher ranks.


It’s been happening since the launch of BGs, and unless you hold Rank 14 you’ve got no real say in whether or not it’s a good or bad thing for the game.

That grind is miserable and legitimately unhealthy for a person. The more people that can get it finished each week the better.

It’s definitely not robbing anyone of rank doing it.

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since most ppls rank 14s are not even legit, they shuold just bring out the 2.0 honor system.

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It’s legit. It’s just players understand the system better now.

I don’t see bots there. If I manually control my alliance lowbie in a starting area and kill invading horde that are being manually controlled why do you care?

I ganked a ton of people with rez sickness when ranking during phase 2 because I wasn’t going for fairness, I was honor farming. They all gave the same amount of honor that they do without the rez sickness. They were a super juicy target so I’d gank them in towns and stuff.

Also, Blizzard is perfectly fine with collusion when it comes to mind controlling the enemy so your own faction can kill them, following your faction around as ghosts so the enemy faction can find them when rezzing etc so it is now proven that Blizzard sees nothing wrong with this either.

This is harmless, it benefits rankers on the server, and half the server knows about it already.

its not legit lol


Yes, it is. It’s the same as the other systems in game that are better understood. People still have to no life it, still have to PvP 16-20 hours a day for weeks if not months.

Do you also think it’s not legit if they work together to ensure maximum efficiency?

not legit sry, pretty sure that mechanic (making lvl 1 and erasing it) was not intended so its not legit. They should just bring out 2.0 honor system.