Level 1s Farming and Cheating the Honor System with Bots

You can say whatever you like, they’re the ones with the GM/HW ranks.

Bots or not, they’re doing something that benefits the pvp community as a whole. Out of all the things wrong with classic, this is at the bottom of the list.

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clearly gameplay that is against the tos. those accounts participating should be perma banned.

its win trading

It’s called padding, it’s the solution to people literally almost dying competing in the honor system.

Also it’s not bots, most PVP servers have this, and there’s just some guy sitting there spamming 1 button to have a macro that self rezes for hours, and then rankers who want higher brackets have to “pad their way up” since ranking brackets and thus RP are decided by the Poolsize and your %( bracket) within that poolsize this simply makes the honor system better for everyone, and I doubt blizzard want to go back to rankers literally playing 18-22 hours a day just to compete with limited spots.

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its called win trading and its against the tos

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Sir may I have your time machine to 2012?(if you don’t get this do some research about collusion and you’ll find out pretty fast mate)

Weird how people are literally farming scarab lord with armies of collusion but you’re here getting butthurt over people padding so they don’t have to spend 130+ hours a week, I mean 2007 was great but do we really need another “child dies while it’s mother plays world of warcraft” because those were all related to the hyper-toxic of nature of rank 14 without padding.

none of what you just wrote disproves the video evidence of win trading which is clearly against the tos

But seriously though are you a time traveler?

First of all, TOS doesn’t exist it’s EULA, that should just be the first sign of how inept you are, secondly, the EULA was quoted in a blue post as “not mentioning collusion” literally a week ago and that the only thing they could do to scarab lord sweaty boys caught them on harassment or griefing if they broke the EULA there.

Feel free to lookup the EULA and quote the section that proves me wrong but you can’t because tl;dr things have changed in 10 years my dude please let me use your time machine though, I wanna go back.


I mean you’re the one that still argues multiboxing is automation despite being proved wrong. It doesn’t matter what you think, there’s no reason to ban these players.

I’m happy we’re not hospitalizing GMs/HWs anymore.

ah, but you knew what i was talking about

From a purely speculative standpoint, I think blizzard considers it a grey area. There are literately no negative effects from this at all. So while “technically” it is kill trading I think that blizzard turns a blind eye because it reduces the grind time from a severely broken PVP ranking system without having to re-code and implement a new system that would cause “no changers” to have an aneurysm.

Just my two cents.


why do you like multiboxing? why do you like win trading?

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You should look up how it works. I am on a very low pop horde side. We could have someone get 1,000,000 honor a week and never get HWL without padding. Now we can have bracket cap of 400,000 with padding the pools and everyone benefits. Do you think it is okay for some servers to have no r14s because they are low pop and not that many pvp? They put in their time, let them get their rank. Everyone below benefits as well.

I hate multiboxing, but as it is now it’s fully allowed by Blizzard. I don’t like win trading - but I like bracket manipulation to make it so people who are aiming for R14 don’t have to be hospitalized once they get it.

The vanilla honour system was trash, and anything that makes it more bearable is good.

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So are you going to point out which part of the EULA you believe they’re violating, because so far it seems like you’re just screeching about things you’re blatantly wrong about.

I mean correct me if I’m wrong but you can just google the EULA, spend 5 mins reading it and show me where I’m wrong if you are indeed correct?

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right, and multiboxing and win trading are disliked by the majority of players that play this game. understandably, there are some people like you who will argue just for the sake of arguing, and im not really interested in making this thread 400 replies long about multiboxing. what is clear though is there is a large abscess of intelligence on the forums and the people lacking intelligence are revealed when they argue in favor of multiboxing or win trading. these people are also corrupt and lack inner morals, bringing down the community as a whole. however, in the pursuit of free speech and democracy i understand blizzards approach to letting all players have a chance to speak their mind, so i hold no ill will towards you or your incorrect understanding of what should and shouldnt be in this game.

its win trading. someone is voluntarily allowing a player of the opposite faction to kill them repeatedly for honor. if you dont consider that against the tos, you are in the minority of players who believe so.

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Some servers have a bunch of players working together to inflate the pool size manually.

Some servers have 1 guy doing it with bots.

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It’s not win trading nor is it honour farming. These level 1s will either be deleted or never touched outside of these pool parties. They do this to increase the amount of players who are eligible for higher PvP ranks.