Level 11 in Timewalking

If they want dungeon mobs to nave enough HP so that they actually have to try to kill them, unfortunately, that only happens when you hit mythic.

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Last week I needed 10k badges to buy both the mounts so I ran 37 alts through 1 TW dungeon each to get the drop at the end. I saw ONE twink and thanked my stars cuz it was my quickest, least stressful run. i wish i had the forum whiners’ luck where apparently you’re inundated with them.


Speaking of 10k badges, with the huge number of new rewards they’ve added and how many badges they collectively cost? I and 99% of the player base are going to want the hundreds of TW runs needed to go as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Let us run TW solo and we’ll happily do it. Until then, we’re going to make things as expedient as possible and you’re very much welcome.

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Umm do content for your level maybe? lol. People use timewalking for alts, getting geared up or quick cache for the week.

Sounds like you want to play classic.


Some threads are purely to stir the pot.
This is one of them


Classic exists.


no they arent. we all know you dont have friends you are just trying to make a spam attention troll post. get over yourself

Tw is toothless easy mode constant you learn nothing from. And besides on any of my tank toons I will go fast no matter how much you protest


You can go as fast as you want on your tanks I do it too. But thats nothing compared to the absolute snorefest that is a twink oneshotting everything. Big difference. Oh and I like to play the game over afk loot and pressing my w and whirlwind macro

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Well then initiate a vote kick and see if your group agrees with you. Otherwise you are holding everyone hostage to YOUR game play. It’s the groups decision whether they like a twink or not.

I’ve been in groups where kicks have and haven’t passed for a twink, only in one did people agree to kick the tank. The rest people voted against it. Initiate a kick and stop assuming the rest of us want to play slow mode in lower level content.


I actually have been playing Era, where I have yet to run into people like you who hate on other players because they don’t want to be like you.

I’ve played classic for years, you are just making stuff up now.


“We shouldn’t have to make our own group in a multiplayer game to play the game the way we want to play. Everyone else should bow down to us.”


Then explain why I have seen deaths to Rom’ogg’s chains of woe combo (need to break the chains via damage then GTFO the area around him), and Ozruk’s shatter, not to mention “twinks” getting killed to poisons and the like this week.

At best, TW is toothless easy mode to competent players that know their limits and how to adjust, but it is more likely to be the kind of toothless that can still bite hard if you put “be stupid” on top of your list.

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Body intensifies

Because Cata dungeons have been utterly broken for tuning for several expansions now, and never had scaling for below level 30 prior to timewalking so it clearly needs further adjustments so unavoidable dots don’t one-tap.


It’s lootwalk if you want to play your character go to mythical it’s where I play my class and raids

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lol, so now we are going to call dots that one shot anyone below 30ish and a number of other improperly scaled abilities mechanics?

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Lol, i enjoyed your post very much! You should rename your character Goldilocks.
This run is too fast
This run is too slow
I like this run thats just right!

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I never said they were, just pointing out that there are things that will kill lower levels, likely due to improper scaling.

However, the chains of woe and chatter were always mechanics, and were often 1 shot ones but they were also easy to deal with for anyone that paid attention. I have not run any character that was not max level in TW this week, yet I too have died to chains of woe, though it was often the 2nd one, not the first, that got me, due to being one of the only DPS alive and having issues like the chains not being in front of me. Like I said, the danger is low, if not non-existent, to competent players, but those that think they can ignore telegraphed mechanics can and will still be smacked by them.

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