Those evokers are still out there but very very rare
Resto druid is my favorite twink but energy makes you clear slower than walking forward and mashing whirlwind if you were trying to go as fast as you can. I’m usually not trying to go as fast as I can anyway though so doing a group or two at at time with my energy bar lets other people keep up.
Also I like healer twinks since I can help save someone if I need to.
First, I will post however I please and do not require you permission to do so. Also by your same logic, stop trying to justify abuse of mechanics and screwing your group over.
You people have already been shown multiple times in multiple threads logs and videos of it happening, but you always ignore it.
Turning XP off is intended, being able to one shot bosses and invalidating group content outright is NOT however intended no matter how much you try to justify it. Heaven forbid you have some GROUP participation in GROUP content.
And that right there shows everyone what we need to see. So long as you get yours screw the other 4 people in the run. And then you wonder why you’re getting blowback on this stuff. Once again you are not so important you get to invalidate group content at the expense of everyone else in the run. You can get over that entitled nonsense. Talk about arrogant much.
Like it or not DPS queues are always going to be a little longer. It’s funny that you sit there and say now “you can have your own queues” yet everyone is so terrified for it to actually happen. If you people are so sure you’re the majority and everyone like me is going to be eating longer queues, why are you all so afraid to put your money where your mouth is and tell blizzard to them to separate the twinks into their own pool? Then if the queue times go up drastically for folks like myself not only do you all get faster queues, but you get ammunition to say “I told you so.” So why be afraid if you’re so sure? Unless of course you people know you’re the minority but just want to pretend you’re the majority.
It never ceases to amaze me at the outright mental gymnastics and utter hypocrisy you people display to justify yourself.
Link me a video of a twink killing a boss in one hit.
Please do, I want to see.
I’ll be waiting.
Regarding ques. If you hate twinks so much. Why are you queuing with one where you’ll get very little experience?
You are not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Twinks are not screwing anyone if it’s a random que. People get experience in random que. goes to show how much you know about the game.
This isn’t the first time we’ve had PvE twinks that could clear things quickly. It’s just much easier to make a level 11 twink so they’re now more common.
In Dragonflight and TWW leveling dungeons pretty much any tank with mildly decent gear from the last expansion could speed through a dungeon. They would often pull boss to boss and get people killed in the process. They were probably more toxic than twinks and Blizzard did nothing about it. They could do this in heroic queued dungeons as well.
MoP remix is another example where Blizzard let people get so powerful they could just one-shot everything in group content and still had people queue into group content together despite not needing each other.
So your idea of how the game should be…
1)We have timewalking available to levels 10-80
2) lower levels should never be able to outdps higher levels even if they have spent hundreds of hours gearing and are far better geared than you.
3)So now with your changes you queue for a timewalking dungeon and don’t get a level 80 to carry the group it’s just a dead dungeon cause you will never kill anything.
There is no way we can one-shot bosses, lol. That’s impossible, and I’m just missing one trinket that cannot be obtained by a warrior.
totally agree on a warrior, they are fastest through the dungeon but don’t have the single target of others. Liike i said my druid “might” be able to if i lined everything up and the stars aligned. But that is nowhere near his claim that a twink can one shot everything in the instance. Not even close
Just for a fun fact…
you all see some cata dungeons you won’t even see in classic cata leveling. take the twinks in lost city really. at least you get to see that layout before you hit at heroic/mythic levels. I saw this last night at like…level 23 on a hunter.
Lost city on last few alts never popped for me in cata. which made me sad. its how we source 333 gear. Not uber, but starts off the level 85 ding stuff better than 308/316 lol.
For the well I need to learn my class! types…you’d not learn this in normal lsot city in current cata even. It never really pops in normal RDF.
And at 85 heroic and beyond is run by inferno, twilight or raid geared players. if you get in, if you are not kicked…you’d be having easier runs from the firelands spammers, now DS.
You get to learn this cold heroic, or even heroic + modes. Enjoy that.
lol, i was wondering why i was seeing level 85 toons, thinking only of regular wow.
Why? its super-fast, and that’s what we want, fast, bad enough I have to run 5 times for a piece of gear I already have because blizz bs algorithms will give me a piece I just got a day earlier of the same slot. Level 11’s aren’t hurting anyone. let them have their fun, that’s what this game is about, fun, unless you’re 265 attempts on Zekvir?? FK ur Fun.
Don’t you just love being on an alt and probably 10 slots could be an upgrade but instead you get a crappy raid trinket or the same bracers you’ve gotten the last 2 weeks?
Not to mention they always have the exact opposite of the stats your looking for. Talk about your conspiracy theories
I love getting a twink lvl 11 in my time walking so I can spend the absolute least amount of time doing it possible. Please more people do it so I can speed through these faster.
Yeah, jsut so happens this weeks TW is up my alley lol. and I want to see petless MM hunter setup.
If twinks there, they cut off, to me, needless things.
Like rock worm in deep core. they died to one pass. Cool, I find the kill the 10’s of spider mobs annoying as hell as they disappear. to come back for the final 10% hp left.
I’ve only had this twink for a few weeks, but probably done a few 100’s of runs trying to help someone close to me farm the Timereaver.
Times I’ve heard people (actually in group) complaining: 0
Times I’ve had people want to requeue hoping to get their weekly done quickly or exp: 70’ish%
If you’ve had bad twink groups, that sucks.
But cutting off the twinks and making dungeons take 20 - 30+ minutes again would likely have the majority of these people claiming that Blizzard needs to ‘fix’ the difficulty as a TW shouldn’t take as long as a M+.
Looking at his profile, that’s 100% a “I farted around with Tier-8 Delves till I got bored” toon. Most of my alts look like that toon (they too fart around with Tier-8 Delves till they get bored, and their gear is just like that). My main is an AotC Heroic Raider and all his gear is i619 or a little higher (I don’t push into Mythic Raiding or high M+).
To be honest, I dont know if that’s his main or not, but TW wouldn’t do that toon much good anyways, besides the occasional “lucky Heroic piece he’s missing” from the TW Weekly. I can help him out with one of my Horde twinks if he wants… i’ll take good care of him!
I also am in an AOTC guild, we don’t do mythic either. It’s hard enough to find enough people to raid heroic for us. We do run reasonably high keys(not high for someone that actually runs high keys) in the 10-12 range. Will have to push to all 12’s this season for the new mount
Exactly. That’s what the Real World (of Warcraft) looks like. It often differs from Forum Outrage.
And the thing is, if people are annoyed at getting locked out of rooms… I get that. I make sure not to do that when I’m the superpowered lowbie, or carrying the group like back in MoP remix. I agree that people should be courteous and wait the 1/2 sec needed for people to stay in range. Heck just looting the mobs myself ensures I don’t get too far ahead, and I’m very OCD about unlooted mobs.
People who race ahead without tagging things and letting the group die to loose mobs have earned the community’s ire. They earned it back in MoP remix. But that doesn’t mean 11s as a whole need banning or culling.
It 100% is a twink problem. As you said 90% (where did you get this %?) skipping Immo are leveling others. That is a gold or RL$ seller twink working. This isn’t an assumption. When this happened, I asked the players in my group and was told directly in the chat that he was paying a leveling service to level up quicker. Paying a leveling service for gold isn’t against the TOS but paying RL $ is.
If twinks would play with the group and kill the mandatory bosses in the dungeon and allow everyone to tag bosses by not running so far ahead that they are locked out of the boss room there would not be an issue.
The fact that they don’t and twinks in this thread who will not do that one little ask is the reason they get reported.
You sir have lost your mind. Just admit you hate being out dpsed by any level lower than you and go on with your day
This is 100% not a twink problem. I didn’t even know you could skip the boss and still get credit for the weekly until a ran some on my level 80 alts and every level 80 tank skipped it. The “problem” is people want to get trivial content and/or leveling content done as fast as possible.
I would concede that anyone being paying gold (or i am sure rmt, which i don’t want to know anything about) for a leveling service that they advertised as level 1-80 in three hours is going to go as fast as possible. The same applies whether its level 11 twinks, level 70 twinks or mythic raiders providing the service. All of that is legal and sorry you fell into a group like that. Thats probably a 1 in 500 chance or something like that. Thats assuming they dont fill those groups, again i know nothing about that and have never seen it in 500 or so tw where i wasnt the tank.
Lastly, on your grand plan that no lower level should ever out dps a level 80 how are you ever going to finish a dungeon if you don’t draw a level 80 to carry the group? Also how is it your going to handle a level 70 in mythic gear at 525 ilvl getting in a group with a level 71 that hasn’t upgraded gear because they are leveling fast and has maybe ilvl 350?
And god forbid your the only level 80 in your perfect world group because i am positive you have never carried a group