What are you talking about? My grand plan? I don’t give AF if I’m out DPS’d by anyone let alone a twink taking advantage of the way scaling works.
Gold selling services for leveling isn’t against the TOS but RL $ is.
As I’ve said a million times already but the comprehension skills of some are lacking. Twinking is not against the TOS. There please read that and understand it.
What is against the TOS is: Engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.
Interpret that however you want. I already have my answer several times during the turbulant timeways event and have been told “action was taking against the player reported” many times over now. Every player I reported was a twink and they were abusing their advantage by outrunning the group to get to the final boss, skipping any boss they could. Every time there was 1 other player in the group with them and a couple times players were multi-boxing.
This abuse has been going on since the scaling was changed in TWW and lvl 10 players are now able to enter timewalking dungeons when it was 35 prior.
Since you have decided to insult and be rude. I will not be talking with you going forward.
Blizzard doesn’t tell you that, now you’re just lying.
Thank you for confirming you will lie to try and prove your agenda. YOU ARE BUSTED FOR LYING.
This guy is such a vile hater, at this point anything he says must be taken with a grain of salt… he makes wild assumptions, thinks everything is twink related, and going to be honest… he makes up stories to try and back up his crazy ideas.
He’s earned his reputation (or lack there-of) on the forums… he’s beyond redemption at this point… lost to the dark side he is… filled with rage and hate.
Not the one crying Jack. I responded to you addressing my statements. I’ve never cryed about it. Go ahead and twink all you want it’s not against the TOS and it can be fun. However when you abuse that advantage with others you are jepordizing the integrity of the game and that will be considered cheating. Per the TOS: Engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.
At this point nothing you say is believable… you’ve been caught lying and you know it.
If what you say is true (and we know its not) i hope you reported the GM who violated the privacy rights of the person you reported for twinking, as it is a CLEAR VIOLATION of Blizzard rules to inform someone else of actions taken by Blizzard on a third party.
You are now apart of a clear violation of Blizzard policies in regards to customer privacy rights.
Either that, or you’ve just been caught lying and think the best way out of being caught lying is more lying.
Twinking isn’t the issue. I used to have timewalking sets for all my toons using BfA gear before the scaling change. I’m relieved they changed it so I don’t have to keep those sets any longer. Many people had sets like that. In fact, Wowhead had a page dedicated to it with information on what to get for your chosen spec. This type of play can be very fun. However, all of this ISN’T the issue.
This issue is about abusing that advantage. How is it abused? Running so far ahead locking others out from boss rooms and skipping mandatory bosses. (skips are not abuse IMO). By running ahead of the group so far that loose mobs kill off the other players and then enter the boss room and start the encounter locking others from tagging the boss, which will then NOT give them vault credit on mandatory bosses and NOT give them weekly quest credit on the final boss. That is abuse of the advantage of twinking. If you don’t think it’s abuse that’s fine. You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine.
However per the Tos: Engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.
If you don’t think that line applies that’s fine too. Again, I have no issue. I’m not the judge of it. If fact, if you want to twink and run ahead in dungeons soloing the bosses while other players struggle to keep up then that is your prerogative too. No issue from me. You do you.
However, I would ask.
Wouldn’t it be easier to avoid being reported and stay with the group allowing the other players to all tag the bosses and not skip the mandatory ones so players at level 80 can earn their vault and quest credit?
I mean what are we talking about here, 30 to 60 seconds more to be considerate of others and avoid a report and getting on the radar?
You don’t believe me that’s fine.
Do you.
However, I’m not sure the GM’s violated anyone’s privacy rights by saying “action was taken against the player reported”.
For example when I report a player name for vulgarity I usually get an in game message in my inbox that says, Thank you, your help is appreciated, we can’t tell you the result of our investigation but we encourage you to countine to report players who violate our rules as it helps make WoW a better place. Or something like that.
You can’t Right Click a player in a dungeon and report accuratly. You can report them for cheating but then the options are “hacking” or “botting” and niether of those are what is happening.
So I have to go into support and report for harassment which then gets me to a form to fill out where I can explain clearly why I feel this is a violation of the rules and integrity of the game.
From there after a day or two I get a response (usually) and in this case last week. 3 for 3 all came back with “action has been taken against the player you reported”. I don’t know what “action” means. It could mean they made the person sign the TOS prior to the login screen again.
Here you go Raldor, you have spewed so much crap you don’t even know what you’ve said. Here is your grand plan where a lower level should never be able to out dps a higher level
And yes you should absolutely be doing far less damage on a lower level toon vs a max level toon. I’m not sure why suddenly that’s a controversial statement even though it’s how MMOs have worked since they’ve been a thing. Even DND which is arguably the first MMO never lets its lower level toons completely outclass the max level ones. Doesn’t matter if that guy has been 80 for 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days or 5 years, no level 11 should be outdoing him ever.