Also, my focus is always raiding and M+ and will shift back to that starting Tuesday. Twinks have been a lot of fun to fill in this dead time, we finished raiding and m+ two months ago. I suspect you will see a lot less twinks between gearing for a new season and timewalking going back to once a month
Immol’thar drops a highly desired trinket for twinks. Lots of twinks aren’t gonna skip him.
90% of the ppl skipping immol’thar are leveling ppl and 80s who are doing the 5 tw dungeon quest (they also skip tree boss LOL). This is not a twink problem.
What are the 6 people on the forum who see Timewalking as main-game focus activity going to do when it’s only once a month?
Find another cause for the 3 weeks between i guess. Except for Christtel, i pretty sure that one will be a constant
Its not so bad…I did this this weekend and was going well that was different. I was hoping to see MM changes, I guess I started too early, its not here yet.
I liked the thrones changes. It broke up 2 invul stages kill adds between on lady naga boss. She drops lots of water aoe crap lol.
Our thrones is more tank pull adds, aoe, back to boss, repeat. Like one water aoe effect, usually by a rdps. So the “turrets” have to move once in a while.
Final boss looked different in a cool way too.
Exp-off with chromie time. It still counts as time walking.
This has already been explained to you and several others, you’re just being deliberately obtuse about it and trying to pull an equivalent of “why you mad bro.” See the previous bits about screwing people out of XP, potential transmog drops, and credit for instances by killing things too fast.
First plenty of people can provide video and logs and have provided video and logs before showing they are in fact nuking things that fast. Burying your head in the sand and pulling the whole “well I’ve never seen it so it’s not happening” routine doesn’t work here.
And no they’re absolutely NOT playing their character as the game intends as they’re abusing busted mechanics to reach levels of damage that they shouldn’t be reaching that even max level toons can’t reach. Turning GROUP CONTENT into a one man show is not “as intended” and we have 20 years of precedent to back that up.
Yeah no, the twink is the odd one out, he’s the one making his own groups as he’s the problem. You don’t get to screw over entire groups then hide behind “just make your own groups”.
And I could ask you a similar question, if you’re convinced twinks are the majority, why are you so afraid of them being grouped into their own pool with like minded people? Doesn’t matter what content it is, no one should be reducing GROUP CONTENT to a one man show. As said this all goes away by group twinks in their own pool, but you people are so dead set on ruining the runs of other people that you don’t care. I don’t care that the twink exists, I care that he’s invalidating group content and preventing me and others from being able to actually participate and get credit and rewards. If I wanted to solo a bunch of stuff I would go into the open world.
Plenty of logs and video have been provided by others previously. No amount of you wishing it wasn’t happening will magically make it disappear.
Bro. Stop trying to write a book to justify your hatred toward twinks.
Show me where a legit twink one shot a boss.
Twinks are playing as intended. Take it up with blizzard if you disagree. Blizzard allows for experience off and time walking at level 10.
Twinks don’t make their own group. They que just like everyone. Lol.
If you que with a twink and lose out on exp. That’s your problem because a notification will pop up. Don’t que with a twink and que randomly.
I don’t care about time walking and don’t want 30 mins ques. You can have your own que if you want. But, you’ll make a thread about how no one ques for time walking and that wow is dead.
There are plenty of games out there where you can run old dungeons that’s been completed hundreds of time at your desired pace. Hint……they’re not MMO’s.
I see all the wow was never like this comments.
I see mage boosting in 2004, 2019, and 2024 start of anniv. Leaves confused.
Now I will grant its not twinking with mage boost. Its the more proper geared 60 just owns the place with AOE and freezing crap lol.
Noting even crap like +5 levels never removed this. it jsut meant the boosters only worked 55 to 60. 65 to 70, 75 to 80. Or hyperspawn boosting openworld in cata.
Just to clarify since others are talking about it, I haven’t seen a twink one shot a boss but you can two shot some bosses with lower health as certain specs. Fury Warriors are great at AoE but lower single target. Resto druids and resto shaman are probably the highest single target damage twinks.
My level 10 resto druid has two shot some TBC timewalking bosses. Most time walking bosses take somewhere between 2-4 globals to kill for a geared level 10 resto druid. Some cata bosses seem to have more hp and maybe take a few more globals on average.
Twinks absolutely do dominant even 630+ ilvl 80s in DPS. Not every low level you see is a fully geared twink. Different specs are better at different things in terms of AoE or single target. You can make anything a twink, but certain specs are far above the rest in what they can do. This is partially because of the base damage buffs certain specs get as part of their spec buff blizzard uses for end-game balance. This is why resto druid for example hits twice as hard at low levels as the actual DPS specs. Fury warriors is only a meta twink spec because of the interaction of lifesteal with whirlwind. Most dps specs are weak compared to healer specs at that level who get huge base damage buffs are part of their spec buff.
DPS specs end up doing more damage at higher levels without those big base multipliers because of talents and what not, but at low levels all you have is level scaling + gear + spec buffs.
There are other interesting interactions some of which I probably haven’t seen yet. For example, the candle trinket proc that gives crit rating to the group makes low levels have 100% crit chance when an 80s trinket procs. It’s possible other group buff effects like that could empower twinks and perhaps result in a one shot of a boss. I haven’t seen any in my runs yet though.
Thanks for clarifying.
There is no way a legit twink can one shot any boss. A planned encounter maybe different, but those who are complaining about twinks are not running with a planned group.
Even still, I have yet to see anyone one shot a boss.
There’s plenty of video and logs that have been provided showing the opposite to be true. So this is objectively false to suggest it isn’t happening. Second, by the very nature of twinks under this screwed up scaling, their only purpose is to make the instance their own and cheese stuff. The relevant bit in bold is also part of the problem and goes to prove my point. Toons that aren’t max level should NEVER be hitting as hard as toons that are maxed out and especially geared. That is just plain bad design and shows something is wrong with the scaling. It’s also not about “if you hit 8 abilities or 16” but outright getting to play period. See previous issues with twinks reducing group content to a 1 man show and his 4 NPC teammates. Some people may not mind, but folks like myself and others DO in fact mind as I didn’t sign up to be an NPC for a twink run. I signed up for GROUP CONTENT and I’m not getting to participate in said content.
And you’re wrong again, them abusing the mechanics to one shot bosses and skip straight to the end and screwing people out of rewards and XP deliberately is an abuse. See again 20 years of precedent saying this is NOT supposed to be a thing, plus them preventing 70s from XP locking due to scaling issues. If they don’t want 70s XP locking because of issues, why would level 11s magically be the exception to the rule. One again the more you try to justify it the more you prove my point that the scaling is busted as you’re admitting twinks are hitting harder than max level toons.
Scaling itself is not a new concept. This level of scaling for TW however IS a new thing as there used to be a minimum level requirement for dungeons. When that went away this junk started and exposed the busted mechanics of the scaling. A twink 10 should NEVER EVER hit harder than a max level toon. Contributing is one thing such as them having the damage equivalent of a max toon in quest greens. However, them being able to reach the millions of damages that would make even the most hardcore M+ people jealous is a problem.
Wrong again because that’s exactly how the game has worked for the last 20 years in that level 11 toons were always vastly inferior to max level toons, especially geared ones and rightly so. And if you want to compare resumes, I have thousands of hours logged in this game over the years. I also have over 20 years experience creating content for various games (no I’m not a blizzard dev) and I can tell you right now I have NEVER seen a game allow their low level toons to outclass the max level ones. Otherwise there is no point in even getting to max level.
And yes you should absolutely be doing far less damage on a lower level toon vs a max level toon. I’m not sure why suddenly that’s a controversial statement even though it’s how MMOs have worked since they’ve been a thing. Even DND which is arguably the first MMO never lets its lower level toons completely outclass the max level ones. Doesn’t matter if that guy has been 80 for 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days or 5 years, no level 11 should be outdoing him ever.
And this right here is your problem, you’re so self centered and used to getting your way that you just can’t comprehend that there are people who do NOT play like you and actually enjoy playing our toons.
First, if you think playing the game is a chore, why the heck are you playing it? Like legitimately, please explain that. Because if you legitimately think TW is a chore, as you all love to say to people like me, you don’t have to play it. Otherwise if you choose to play it that’s on you. You don’t get to ruin and prevent 4 other people from playing and force your playstyle on others purely because you want to speed run it. I never asked you to “turn that 10 minute chore into 5 minutes”, nor did I ask you to “carry” me or anything of the such. If I desire the “service” of a twink I will seek it out. The issue is that I’m signing up for group content, yet because some twit wants to rush to the end and hits bosses before myself and others can get there, its stops us from getting credit for the kill as we’re required to tag the boss for said credit. So now I’ve got a wasted run and potentially staring down the barrel of a deserter debuff because of an impatient twink that has no right to be there to start with. Not to mention the lost XP and potential other items.
You can “believe” whatever you want about why I’ve spoken up, but I’ve already told you why I have an issue. Simply put, I don’t find it fun to follow behind a twink the entirety of the run with my finger up my nose doing nothing but playing “running simulator: wow edition”. I don’t find it fun essentially sitting on my hands not being able to play my toon because one guy wants to be a one man army at the expense of 4 other people.
And no, like it or not this TW scaling allowing this to happen is a new thing, and something that needs to be fixed last year. The entire point behind GROUP CONTENT is that it’s supposed to be a GROUP effort and take a GROUP to clear it. It’s not supposed to be “follow the twink” or “follow the one guy” and that’s it. Not to mention the same people who say “why do you care it’s just TW” are the same people who whine about this or that being wrong with M+ and demand fixes for so called issues there, but somehow TW or otherwise is expected to be the exception. Heaven forbid I like having GROUP participation in GROUP content. Point blank, you don’t know what you’re talking about and are only trying to justify abuse of mechanics because you benefit from it.
I’d be reaching here but Grim batol final boss can die easy.
AFTER…the kill add mechanic is done. if 3/4 dudes who save up their cd’s to pop them after this “stage 1” change can now drop em real easy. Maybe a twink can one shot in theory. If add(s) is dead.
Grim batol before that add mechanic however is a damned HP sponge really lol.
Yes please link me a video where a twink one shots everything in the dungeon. i have several very near perfect twinks and none of them one shot everything.
Once again i am sorry that you have somehow only been grouped with twinks that somehow have much much more damage than me and that turn it into a one man show. I agree that if i want to i can, due to run speed, run through the whole instance and stay ahead of most of the group but i choose to tank for the group, make sure no one gets aggro from something i missed and ensure that everyone is present before pulling a boss.
once again, you and the others are just pissed because a low level should not be able to out dps your higher level toon. Also once again the game has never been designed that way and never will be.
Lastly, if that is your main, you really need to start playing the game. You are one the biggest raiding servers, surely you can find a guild you enjoy
I can confirm.
I’ve seen and been around near perfect twinks and have yet to see anyone one shot a boss.
Stop spreading false information.
If someone saw a true one shot I would guess there might be some trinket or something that gives a group buff that a level 80 proced similar to the delve candle crit trinket. The reason that trinket gives twinks a 100% crit chance for 30 seconds when it procs is it gives crit rating and doesn’t scale with level so it gives a lowbie the same rating it gives an 80. If there were a trinket like that that gave say versatility or main stat, it would let a twink one shot a boss while the buff was up, but it would be because of the level 80s proc buffing them not just their own baseline power.
Also, I don’t know if Blizzard ever nerfed them but there were super rare Evoker twinks who were still in forbidden reach when there was a squish and they let lowbie evokers keep 200 ilvl gear after the squish to level 10. They had to do the zone to get out so they’re level 16 or something. These rare creatures can probably one shot anything in scaled content. I have no idea if they still exist or were finally nerfed though. There likely are not many in existence total if they aren’t nerfed.
That’s not a one shot if the boss phased.
One shot means, one hit and the boss dies.
That doesn’t apply to people who are complaining.
That’s a carefully planned encounter.
That scenario will never occur in random ques.
i think my druid might be able to if i setup everything perfectly beforehand but i don’t try to do that and the druid can’t solo the dungeon near as fast as my warrior can.
Maybe. It’ll be like 3/10 with lucky procs and crit.
Try it out and let us know.
I’ve seen near perfect warriors and priest and it’s impossible for them to one shot bosses.