Level 11 in Timewalking

Here we go again. Just admit that it pisses you off to be out dpsed by a lower level character. It has nothing to do with ruining anything for anybody. You run 5 a week on a toon and might, maybe get a twink in one of those. Its a 5 minute run and you go on with your day. If your leveling you might get 10 twinks out of a hundred runs on the way to 80. You get a level in 5 minutes, think wow that was fast and go on with day. How does any of that ruin the game for you?

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Nah I’m not angry at the twinks. I am in fact in support of Blizzard giving an option to either queue for max level only or to avoid xp off players.

This is ultimately a Blizzard issue but the arrogance of the players involved isn’t something I’ll ignore entirely.

The arrogance that we are happy we get to play the game too?


I think you mean “alone while in group content” bruv.

Man if you wanna play low level dungeons as they was inteded to be, go play classic, here on retail we like to be fast and be the gogogo ppl on timewalking dungeons, we need literally thousands and thousands of tokens to get the goodies, and you want us to run the old ways?

Nah, thx for your opinion, but NEXT

Nope not what i meant at all. Sorry you have always got bad twinks to play with

hint: he hasnt

Current TW is the absolute worst option that anyone can pick when it comes to gameplay. This is a Blizzard created problem and one that Blizzard should work on improving.

I finally agree with one thing you have said. Timewalking is only for fast leveling and getting a raid piece on alts from the weekly

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Which is a problem in my opinion. Why should a “timewalking” mode be presented in the form of poorly tuned dungeons and boiled down to a free leveling service installed by the developers?

It’s bad. Terrible in fact.

Maybe not. I’m not sure how hard it would be to implement though. They already have the ability to change who you group with based on level, role and faction in various content and can split PvP queues entirely based on xpoff and on already.

It may be more annoying for them to add the UI element than actually implementing the code to avoid xpoff players in queue.

The point of my comment is the 6 people complaining about twinks isn’t a top priority for Blizzard… and i do mean like 6 players.

They have decided that M+ and raiding is the content and made leveling as fast as possible. Never before have we had all the experience buffs we have had the last few months so early in an expansion

All my extra alts usually don’t get leveled until the pre-expansion patches

man, you sure do like that soapbox :slight_smile:

Yes this is the after effect of Remix being a thing and it’s unfortunate for retail in my estimation. This expectation should never have been made a part of the game.

While i do see your point. I would never level anything if it was the slog that classic is.

Ya, agree with you there… i normally play to or three max level toons till the end of an expansion, then during “garbage time” get the rest of my alts to max level.

This is the first time i have one or more alts OF EVERY CLASS to max lvl before the start of season 2.

Heh, reading many of the different comments here, one thing is becoming quite clear: No one seems to actually enjoy Timewalking.

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Fast leveling has been very popular for a long time.

The Legion pre-patch event was one of the most popular pre-patch events they’ve ever had (after hotfixes) because it allowed people to very rapidly level a lot of alts.

When recruit a friend first came out, people would recruit themselves on trial accounts for the xp buff and follow their main dead in ghost form to give it an xp buff until they nerfed it.

What are you talking about?

I love it!