Blizzard doesn’t make their judgments public. If they did this wouldn’t be a discussion. I’m aware of how long twinks have been around. This isn’t a twinking issue. This is an abuse issue, which in their own words is an unfair advantage and cheating.
If we disagree that’s fine. However, you are a very rude person and very immature and can not communicate without putting others down. We are done. No reason to discuss with a person like you who “thinks” they are a “know it all” when nobody knows for sure the result of every single case and what it specifically entailed.
But there is no misinterpreting anything on my part in my communications with GM’s. They said they took action and I was very clear about what I reported for. For you to say something like that without even seeing the communication is just silly.
In dozens of dungeons I’ve done only a single person ever asked me to wait and it was because their warlock friend was way behind everyone else (walking slowly and not using burning rush). I stopped and waited for them, then continued.
I have been in groups with other twinks that just go as fast as they can and ignore everyone so I know those people also exist. This was extremely common in MoP remix. It was also common in leveling dungeons in DF especially when tanks could basically solo the dungeon and could just run boss to boss without risk of them dying (but other people often died in the process).
80% probably say nothing. A handful say something positive or joking about having a twink at the start.
I haven’t been carried off on any shoulders, but i would say there is aa lot of times that the leader of the group instaqueues after the last boss dies. I have yet to have any ask me to slow down but i don’t run away from the group. Out of probably 1000 tw dungeons i have had exactly one person ask me to leave at the start of the dungeon which i will happily do.
lol, I would queue for them solo if I could. I’m not trying to help people (except when I queue with 80 friends to do their weekly occasionally) so much as trying not to be rude when we’re in the same group.
My main reason to have made several twinks in the last few weeks was amusement and badges.
No. The final boss is what is needed to count for the weekly. If you skip any of the mandatory bosses such as Immol’thar in Dire Maul West then you will not recieve credit towards your weekly vault.
I don’t want you to queue for it solo. I’d prefer you were put in a group with other XP off characters so you can ruin it for them and they can ruin it for you.
Lol… well i am a talkative one… im always cracking jokes in groups and once someone starts joking, others join in… its only the sour pusses and people who think negativity 24/7 that refuse to have fun in a game.
Odd, your ancillary evidence of “the only words i ever hear are slow down”. I actually spit out my drink laughing when mr grumpy goat said that. See, you can be funny when you try.
As someone who has been in far more twink runs than you, I’ve never once heard “slow down”… probably because i don’t leave my groups abandoned… perhaps you should start running in my twink groups, i think you’ll have a lot more fun, and we’ll turn that scowl of yours upside down!
well there you would be wrong. Why would i queue 1000 times when i need nothing from there. For one it’s because i enjot playing my twinks. Second it is because i enjoy helping the group through meaningless content
I’ve posted this in plenty of twink threads in the past few weeks but I think the solution to the people who hate twinks is to simply give people an “avoid xpoff players” option.
You’re angry at the wrong people. The twinks can’t do anything to solve your problem, Blizzard can.
I stopped doing TW because of the twinks. I’ll continue to voice my opinion on their ruination of the content though. You are free to put me on ignore.