Level 11 Fury Warriors in Timewalking Dungeons

When you show me the tw queue that says 5 dps yea go for it. It says 1 tank 1 healer 3 dps.

People might want to consider the past history of timewalking where everything died in under 2 seconds when everyone was equally scaled. With set bonuses, legendaries, corruption gear, gems, sha touched sockets, azerite armor, azerite essences, covenant soulbinds and covenant powers all playing their own roles at various points the actual damage output was ludicrously high. Now it’s true we didn’t have the special Shadowlands speed gem all that time but runs were typically a minute or two slower than they are now and for that reason only.

There are only two timewalking dungeons in the complete rotation which might require coordination which are Grimrail due to the first two bosses and Stonecore due to the patrol sentry room. Everything else is a complete faceroll even after the revamp. I can pull the first boss with an undergeared alt tank in Halls of Lightning with multiple packs and survive more easily than I can before the revamp. If you did that in WoTLK that would be a death sentence which also brings to light that none of these are like their true difficulty levels, especially the Cataclysm ones. The damage output in these dungeons is currently high enough that my primary cooldowns like trueshot or demonic tyrant are still active when the bosses are dead. You can’t learn to play a class properly this way.

Hah, No. I don’t add anyone from these forums, but hey if you ever see a Horde Tauren Paladin blowing through TW, it’s probably me.

Point is, I can pop all CDs on a boss and it will be dead in seconds. That’s with my paladin not even having full 502/Full mythic Amidrassil set gear.

It’s just stat inflation. 10-11 characters with actual gear blow through the stat cap for that level allowing them to do such high damage. Its the same as being an endgame raider at the end of an expansion. For reference, at 70, timewalking drops 415 ilevel gear and the vendor gives 402 ilevel. you can craft 502 ilevel equipment and weapons for level 70. That is a 100ilevel different in terms of power, which is huge.

So level 80s who feel ‘useless’, its because they just haven’t reached that threshold yet. I’m amazed people don’t realize this, it happens Every. Single. Time. By the end of TWW, people will probably be ilevel 700 or higher, and will demolish TW like level 10-11s can currently.

There will always be someone higher/who can put out more damage than someone else. It takes time to achieve that threshold. While yes level 10/11s have a ‘lower barrier of entry’, to truly optimize takes time and research.

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Yes… 1 tank, 3 dps, 1 healer… i only que as healer on this character… if i just so happen to be faster than you, hold aggro better than you, kill mobs faster than you as a Holy Priest Healer… well… maybe you should do more follower dungeons and you can tell everyone else what to do there.

Public Random Que is a public random que… there’s no garauntees… if you end up in a run with my healer and you don’t like… you can either wait 5 minutes for a different group or vote to kick me and get the other three strangers to agree with your opinion. I won’t be offended either way.

it would be sweet if they did add a “twink” bucket to the rdf queueing systems since a real twink can do it all and not needing any other role. Imagine how fast rdf’s would be poppin off if twink was a trump/wild card that caused it to auto queue for everyone!

I know, most of the times you “speedrunners” actually screwup the group enough that I dont even need to start the vote kick, someone else does.

Idc about your “public queue” the game is clear enough on the roles for different content. Ask blizzard to make roleless dungeon queues. Until that day you will continue to get kicked

So you’re kicking people just for being level 11?

None of the twinks I’ve been with have made life difficult for anyone. Why would I kick someone who asks what bosses they want to kill, makes sure they’re picking up all the mobs and that everyone is keeping up and in a good place? Most I’ve seen are in the tank role. And the ones that aren’t, haven’t made life difficult for the tank. So why are we mindlessly kicking level 11s?



Dude, you should quit your day job and go full time comedian… that is the funniest damn thing i ever heard before!

Saying the opposite of reality is always comedy gold!

Dude you crack me up!


not a big deal…when I queue in I just stay ahead of the tank and don’t attack anything until the last boss.

seems kinda dumb…

this is what timewalking has always been lmao

things dont live for more than a few seconds, and they even went back and changed scaling a bit so things lived slightly longer recently (which you seem to reference).

none of it does in irrelevant content meant to be a catch-up / free box

I’m not sure why you think someone taking advantage of the scaling to go bonkers with TW is actually a problem; you can’t honestly tell me that you are loading into Dire maul east and wanting to be mechanically challenged.


This thread is so amusing. Who que’s into a TW dungeon and says, “oh no, a quick run”?


By your logic when an overgeared 626+ tank comes in that doesn’t need any healing, I as the healer should be able to kick them.

Or I could recognize that it’s not all about me me me, and take the fast run. It’s not like I’ll never have an opportunity to heal again, this is what happens in laughably easy content.


I was being facetious, whining about TW twinks is lame. The content is a chore might as well get it done quick.

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It’s a chore to you, I quite like playing through old dungeons

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It’s unfortunate that they take what could be somewhat engaging content, lure people into it that hate it with cosmetics and mounts, and then ruin the content for the benefit of people that hated it to begin with.

Sadge. Why not just let the content be what it is instead of baiting people that hate it?

As a certified double-twinker… lvl 11 Fury Warrior and lvl 10 Holy Priest, I can definitely answer this question.

and about 3/4ths of the people on the Forums.


When my que pops, I hope for a level 11 lol!!


Pssht don’t know what y’all are smoking. When I find a twink I /kneel and bust out the tip jar :man_shrugging:


Love them in my TW… Wish there were more