Level 11 Fury Warriors in Timewalking Dungeons

If anyone ever asked me to leave a group, I would. I don’t want to ruin anyone’s experience. But the only comments people have made about me are that it’s so nice to speed through boring trivial content and if I would queue with them at the end.


Most people aren’t confrontational, to be fair. They’ll just leave the dungeon afterwards.

Personally, I don’t mind either way. Repeating dungeons are boring, but they’re equally as boring IMHO if you can’t do anything but press W or if it takes 2 full minutes to kill a single group of mobs.

just because it was open to everyone doesn’t mean it wasn’t the result of raiders complaining about having to do the same raid on multiple difficulties to gear up. They made several changes to keys to make it easier to pug.

I have no idea what gaslighting you think I fell for because unlike that poster I have been playing since before MoP when these issues with multiple difficulties started getting vocal.

“I don’t like the way things are and I’d like to see some change.”


“I’m well aware of what it is, and I’m offering critiques of it, because I’d like it to change.”


“I’d prefer to stay, and staying would be more rewarding for me if there were some changes.”


“I’m not really under it, am I? I do the content as much as I think I need to, and then I stop. But I also offer critiques, because I want change.”


“If that was a realistic option for me, I wouldn’t be here critiquing TW PUGs, now would I?”

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Lol… no, you’re misinformed. It wasn’t changed “just for” the anniversary… it was PERMANENTLY CHANGED IN PATCH 11.05.

I don’t know where you got the idea it was a temporary change, this was a deliberate and intentional permanent change by Blizzard.


There is nothing in the 11.0.5 patch notes that says this. It was in the anniversary news, though. I see the information on the scaling changes in the patch notes, but nothing on the level changes. I’ll keep looking!


Here we go! This was updated three months ago. And there’s nothing in the patch notes that says anything about the level range of the dungeons. So that’s why my assumption was that it was just for the anniversary and possibly Turbulent Timeways.

The Timewalking changes were permanent… at least as far as “permanent” with Blizzard goes.

Its not a mistake, its not a fluke, it was written about with all the changes to Timewalking in 11.05, which were never “just for a bit”.

Yes the changes occurred at the same time as the anniversary, but i really think you’re confusing the limited event of the anniversary as everything else that happed with 11.05. Thats simply not the case.

The TW changes occurred with 11.05 patch… it wasn’t because of the anniversary or tied only to the anniversary… anymore than if lets say Consecration for Paladins got a 50% buff in 11.05 would that be "just for the duration of the anniversary.

The changes to TW occurred as a feature of 11.05 patch, NOT as a feature of the anniversary event. You can believe what you want to believe… like lvl 10s queing for TW is a limited time fluke that will magically go away soon. Thats all on you. It was a feature change and im not the least bit concerned that it will be going away. You’re also the only person ive heard with this belief that somehow lvl 19s aren’t supposed to be queing for TW… you’re really alone on this.

I was so confused when I saw that too. I was like “how tf is he doing so much damage” until someone whispered to me that he was a booster.

But even then, that doesn’t answer the question of how a level 11 can outperform ilvl 600s.

Again, I’m not seeing anything about it in the patch notes.

And the support article that was updated after the anniversary started still has the defined levels.


I don’t know why you’re getting all jerky about this…

I seriously doubt he was a “booster”… a twink yes, but “booster twinks” are far, far, far less a thing than the whiny Karen forums would have you believe.

WoW currently and always has had a twink community going back to 2004 that is alive and healthy… do a youtube search for wow twinks and youll see tons of videos on the subject… we’re out there for TONS of different reasons, and a lot of them, believe it or not, are just to have fun in a game… not for the nefarious reasons the forums always want to assume.

As for how a lvl 10 beats a geared lvl 80… well, that’s Blizzard scaling for you, and this isn’t new or unknown to Blizzard… this scaling where low levels rule was practically a feature of Remix, so Blizzard knew this was going to happen, and for whatever reason pulled the trigger quite intentionally.

Thank you for your service. Those level 11s make me leveling fly in TW.


It is a chore because I’ve done them 1000s of times, and they dangle a mount at the end if you do 5 a week for however many weeks.

I do it on an 80 that I don’t really play but could use the vault/heroic.

Sadly doing it on the 11 does give me the 500 tw for the first kill quest, nor the 200tw for the second kill etc. If it did that, I’d just go nuts but since it doesn’t and I have to do an 80 for 1 I might as well do 5 for the weekly.

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  1. The mount will be on the Timewalking vendors next year.
  2. Run for the buff on an alt, don’t log onto the alt until next week, then run one dungeon and get credit for the week’s buff and the achievement.
  3. Just don’t run it if you somehow hate it. This is an event, no one is forcing you. It’s a game, not a chore.
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TW scaling got screwed up even harder in 11.0.5, after regular scaling took a swift kick in 11.0. Enemies now come UP to your level, instead of scaling you down and gear to whatever max ilvl for that character level.

It was monumentally stupid, and now you can be terribly undergeared as a fresh 80. For timewalking. What ilvl is stuff tuned to for an 80 char? Who the hell knows! All we do know is that ilvl matters now, and 636s can certainly stomp hard.

600 ilevel isn’t really that impressive. As I stated early in the thread, 80s are still in the first part of the expansion gear curve. The true number pumping will come when it is at the end of expansion when the character has passed their stat points. TW dungeons are expansion launch heroics in terms of equivalent difficulty.

My 70 Tauren paladin, who is currently ilevel 483, absolutely destroys TW dungeons and out DPS level 11 twinks because he is at the end of expansion gear curve for dragonFlight.

TWW characters still have a long way to go before they reach that point.

See the entitled player dorsnt care for others experience. I queue to tank and I dont get to do anything when one of you is present

Have you looked in a mirror lately?

Irony can be pretty darn ironic at times…


Yea I am entitled to tank because thats what I signed for. Are you stupid?

Dude…It’s timewalking, its not that serious lmao


nice! Can you please add me as a friend, i would like to test your theory. I have a few twinks from level 10 to level 11 and I think my level 10 priest would probably surprise your dps meters :slight_smile: