Level 11 Fury Warriors in Timewalking Dungeons

What are you crying about then?

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no ones crying
interestingly, I started a lvl 1 twink to see what changed and the world scaling has changed quite a bit. Elwynn Forest is now all lvl 1 mobs and heirlooms are worse than quest greens
go figure

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If somebody’s going to give me grief, life is too short to play with that group. I’m willing to just leave.

They 100% get boring. Most long-time twink players seem to come and go in bursts of activity, because doing it nonstop is a pretty unchanging activity.

You can keep it rolling for awhile by gearing multiple twinks / playing in different brackets, but once they’re geared they’re just kind of there.

The thing I’m looking forward to most is literally Glowcap Festival in May to cheese it with Shaman Twinks, because it’s an actual activity that isn’t just spamming dungeons for no reason.

It’s fun to try and keep the thing alive indefinitely. We pulled out target dummies and had a 70 Shaman mana battery us last year because Mana Spring doesn’t scale.

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I think the messenger puts some color on the message, and you definitely are.

I’m a huge fan of level 11 twinks of any class carrying me through content I’ve done hundreds of times before.


I don’t need your approval to make it clear that you’re wrong? Sorry you can’t handle reality? Not sure what else to tell you. I’m not the one sitting in a hodgepodge of casual gear demanding my way. That’s you.

Why thank you!


The main people doing this are only doing so because their mediocre main that has a highest of LFR career in raiding and a +2 key just aren’t making them feel the way they want to feel. So they intentionally use a “look at me now” function of the game to feel special. They were already special and didn’t know it though
 Takes a real special one to not know what foot goes where in velcro shoes
 Just saying.

 my main is a Heroic Raider just like you are
 but unlike you, I don’t feel the need to put down other people who enjoy different aspects of the game to “feel big”. I mean, if you wanted to go down that road, we could dig up the statistics of “the most successful people in wow are often the biggest losers in real life”.

What difference does it make if someone plays Heroic raids, PvP, LFR, Twinking or Timewalking
 last time I checked, WoW is a GAME and people usually play games to have fun
 or, wait, do they have to do it YOUR WAY for it to be okay? You sure are judgemental to other people you don’t even know. A real man knows when to eat some humble pie and let people enjoy their own lives their own way
 just saying.


They don’t believe we should have an opinion on the game because we’re having fun.


Cataclysm made the dungeons slightly more difficult. Community threw a fit because DPS couldn’t find their CC buttons and tanks couldn’t figure out how to press defensive cooldowns.

Like my god people, no one expects normals to be difficult, but they also don’t need to be so trivial

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But when you suggest that dungeons gain 400% more HP and 300% more damage for at level 11, scaling down to where they are now by level 45 or so, people act like you hate new players.

Where’s that same energy when the tanks and healers ask the dps to slow down? Okay then
 You and all your little supporters that liked the comment you made
 Get back to your coloring books and picking out which cute winter boots to wear. The game is about having fun, if you find one shotting everything fun, then by all means keep at it, but I stand by the 11 (xp locked ) players being losers at everything


I made a level 11 fury warrior twink and every TW group I’ve been in has thanked me so I don’t see the issue.


When leveling alts through TW dungeons, I’m disappointed when the tank isn’t a level 11 twink Warrior.


Last time I checked on the ptr the timewalking gear ilvl is being fixed ( it is currently 30 ilvls higher then it should be for a lvl 10) so that should help a bit.

I noticed the ilvl discrepancy from dropped TW gear, but the ilvl of gear isn’t what makes them unstoppable, its being able to get Amnesia and socketing it with shadowlands gems for super high health ticks and run speeds, along with gear from regular BC dungeons with gem sockets.

A lvl 10 twink will still be strong with just ilvl appropriate gear with socket slots, but they wont be as strong. This is just a step that should have been done 1 day after the twing changes were added into the game. scalling overall also needs a good looking at.

I dunno bout you all, but I love easy carries. This game loves to be a grindy slog alot of the time. Enjoy your little breaks when you get em.

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