Level 1 Sergeant?

Sounds like an exploit, it’s like cheating in a single player game. It doesn’t hurt of effect anyone. But it’s still not the intention of the game and you benefit from it.


I’m not arguing whether pool parties are good or bad. I’m only saying that - ‘victimless’ or not - it’s a form of kill trading and cross faction collaboration, and would likely be considered an exploit. The fact that it “helps everyone” is neither here nor there.

Again, I don’t particularly care either way. But people shouldn’t trick themselves into thinking it’s a legitimate technique just because Blizzard is too lazy to police it.


their victims are the faction with less people getting their bracket inflated so the stacked faction can get gear easier

Clever use of game mechanics.

A very interesting perspective to the “victimless crime” narrative!

Or you have 2 accounts and do it yourself.

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They literally cannot obtain the ranks without this method. It is 100% impossible in some instances. Y’all need to work on reading comprehension.

It’s been kinda rough for wow PvP since WoD, blizzard just doesn’t crack down hard on cheaters like they once did. I’m other words the 6 month ban isn’t working.

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Report all you want, blizz doesn’t consider it an exploit and no one has ever been banned for bracket expanding lmao

I don’t think you know how the pvp system works.

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Wrong, that exploit gave the people doing it a gear advantage over other guilds trying to clear content.

Maybe you should look up the definition of cheating. There would have to be a benefit that applies just to the person doing it.

You don’t know how brackets/ranking works, do you?

If by ‘interesting’ you mean ‘blatantly incorrect’, sure!

What other people have has 0 impact on your own ability to clear a raid.

Whether or not someone is disadvantaged has absolutely nothing to do with what does or does not constitute exploitation in WoW. Killing Runthak to reset the Onyxia buff timer at will is an exploit.

It gives an edge to anyone going for speed runs etc

Don’t pretend that being able to kill bosses infinite amount of times in MC doesn’t have huge impacts on the game. This was a game breaking exploit and you know it. Everyone that plays would have been victims from this exploit cause nobody would be playing anymore if that continued.

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Speed runs are a third party, meta concept, and have nothing to do with game balance. Literally, the entire point of speed running is to break the game as hard as you can. To the point that people do “tool-assisted” speed runs, and its somehow considered a legitimate category.

Might wanna read the rules then.

Someone already asked you to provide the rules that state exploits have to harm other players to be considered exploits.

We’re waiting.