Letting go of old stubbornness = Masterloot?

Honestly, it’s not a bad idea to force everyone to agree to even use it.

Because that makes it everyone’s issue. All wanna say it’s okay? Ok, now it’s up to ML/RL to maintain that trust.

Many guilds still have ML through the use of RCLoot addon. Everyone is forced to decline so one person can distribute. This isn’t adding new functionality, just removing the overly complicated steps of using an addon to do something basic.

Its crazy how jaded people are over ML. I guess none of you have been part of a decent guild before. That’s more telling than anything and quite sad to be honest.

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I usually don’t raid with my guild but I am an experienced PUG raider.

And pugs hadn’t had access to master looter for multiple expansions prior to its formal removal.

And now that master looter’s functionality returned at the start of DF, have you this expansion seen a single PuG group with the expectation for players to pass their loot and engage in ML?

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This. I wouldn’t expect a PuG group to use ML. Any recent version of ML has been guild-only option, which is what I’m asking for.

Again, just to clarify, we already have a form of ML but its way more complicated than it needs to be. I’m not asking for anything new, just for them to make the system easier for those of us who want to use it.

Nothing forced about joining a group that’s using ML if you want to. More choices is a good thing for players.

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