Letting go of old stubbornness = Masterloot?

In recent interviews Ion is talking about how the team is reevaluating the game and letting go of old stubbornness. Does this mean we can get Master Loot as an option again? Make it an option, and if people don’t like it, they can choose a different option. If they don’t like that their guild is forcing it, they can find a different guild. With cross-faction, cross-realm options it should be even easier to find like-minded players. So please give ML back to the guilds who choose that option.


Fine, as long as ML groups are not allowed in group finder. The moment you list your group, your group can no longer do ML. Also all group participants must be on your realm and in your guild. If even one person is outside of the guild, ML is gone. Also every person in the group must have been in guild for at least 3 days, too.

Don’t force it on people whom would be most screwed over by it.


master loot was and will always be breeding grounds for toxic environments and dishonest people.

Let me use an example when I played TBC back in the vanilla real days and I was the main tank for a guild called DPS (this is there shortened name) It was our second clear of Black temple and killing Illidan and the main hand warglaive dropped. The raid leader, our faithful trusted raid leader had master looter as you should right!?

Well turns out my off tank was a 'girl" and no, it really was not a girl but what a great actor plucking the right pictures off the internet and charming our raid leader with “my mics broken” ways oh “she” was a sweet heart.

Oh also this was not a new guild btw, this was a solid group of people who played for months together we mostly knew each other and where tight knit, you know a good guild.

ANYWAY warglaive drops, you got 4 rogues drooling at the mouth for it, they had the DKP for it it was time to give out the goods to the top rogue with the most DKP!..but wait raid lead, master looter, king, sire, lord why are you not giving out the loot? TURNS OUT the “girl off tank” told the raid leader that the mainhand glalve would be PERFECT for tanking and she really really really REALLY needs it and will do anything for it please please plox plz boobie pictures here sent to phone please kissy face <3 <3 <3…AND HE GAVE IT TO THE OFF TANK.

The guild fell apart as you might expect, the “girl” turned out and was exposed at a him and that was the end of that, with him being master looter he took away the CHANCE for the rogues to even try and get it and gave it to, his lovely, sweaty, cheeto covered hands, catfish.

So for your request for masterlooter? TLDR version below.


They had limited ML to guild-only runs before, I would even be fine with that.

^ read above why even “tight knit guilds” = toxic crap.


I hope they never bring back ML… loath that whole concept of giving all the power to one person and them deciding who gets the gear or some loot council.


A lot of guilds just use addons to bypass not having master loot anyway. All not having it as an official option accomplishes is making distributing loot in guild raids needlessly tedious and time consuming.

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Master loot is the oldest and stubborniest of old stubbornness and was killed for good reasons. If they bring it back it’ll just confirm what I always suspected, that the devs don’t actually care about making a good game, they just want those easy nostalgia bucks.


And hopefully that becomes a learning experience for everyone involved.

I’m not about to tell people how to play the game or whether or not they can use ML. If they meet all the requirements for it, then this harsh lesson is theirs to learn - some people will not listen when you tell them, they must experience it.


For you, it may be “toxic crap”. Sorry you’ve never played with any like-minded people before. For my guild, we all generally have the same ideas, goals and just go in having a good time but still want to progress efficiently.

Any guild who really wants ML and still pushes for ML-style system is forcing their members to download an addon like RCLoot to auto-pass so it can be distributed by 1 person anyway. So we still have ML but its just more complex.

I get some of you guys are really jaded from bad experiences but no one if forcing you to play with those types of people. You can’t change the loot rules mid-pull, so you know before going into the encounter what the loot system is. If you don’t like it, find people who want to play the game YOU like, why punish everyone else for not liking YOUR way.

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I assume for some they learned from it, It happened again to me (personally this time) as well durning WOD where I got shafted out of a tier item by the master looter and I am 100% sure it has happened to COUNTLESS people in all shapes and forms and it will ALWAYS happen if master looter comes back because say it with me OP: People…are…Jerks Good op!


and I am super happy for you that you found your loved ones and fellow like minded gamers who are nice, understanding and will always go above and beyond to do the right thing: But of course you think that’s the case because master looter has been removed for awhile…what if some of your guild mates are jerks? or your master looter decides: know what that’s my Legendary LOL lawls what you ganna do about it /gquit.

You can say you are in a perfect like minded none toxic guild, sure, ok perfect but its only none toxic while its none toxic: Only takes a single bad moment or master loot ninja steal until its all s**t

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Exactly this. Why does everyone think that ML isn’t still around. Its just done through addons now, which can be more problematic than just having the option to begin with.

Yeah, bad people using master loot poorly can suck when you miss out on an item.

You know what else sucks? Group loot rolls where someone can win your BiS trinket when it’s C tier for them and they’re going to replace it in a week or 2.

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Considering its been the same leadership and core-raid team for the past 8 years I don’t think we really will have that issue.

We use an addon to handle ML now anyway and no one has an issue with it. There are plenty of guilds who distribute loot this way, its just overly complex with having to manage and maintain an addon to handle it vs just being a built-in option to let adults make decisions for themselves about how they want to play the game.

I’ll just simply quote you from another post you made.

that is fair: but maybe English escapes you make YOUR own choice, singular, as in your choice for your self. the choice of master looter affects 18 other people not counting you: who are super duper cool with it awesome sunshine: and the master looter.

if it was my choice: for my self, I would never see master looter return: but my choice, my thoughts my view. If others want it back good choice, there choice, thumbs up: but in the end I hope blizzard goes NO choice - no master looter because it was removed for a reason - they didn’t do it to spite you, they did it because of the bs drama laced behind it.


I rather see that, than some raid lead taking the gear instantly for them or a friend… or the concept of loot councils and reserving items, because at least I had a chance at getting the item.

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Guilds that do things like that don’t last long.

What’s much more likely to happen in a master looter scenario is the guild would consider who would get the most use out of the trinket long term and distribute it accordingly.

Then it’s possible the idiot rolling need on a trinket that’s c tier for him would come to the forums to whine about master looter being unfair.

Honestly I think they were just getting tired of their GM’s spending time on loot arbitration tickets.