Letting go of old stubbornness = Masterloot?

I’ll stick to what I said, because ML also adds the concept of trial members for guilds and that’s another massive annoyance. I rather lose an item I have a shot at getting, then some RL taking it for a friend, loot council or a reserve all while knowing I have no shot at it.

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They could just not join the group

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The one and only time I saw a guild abusing master looter to benefit a certain circle of people resulted in the guild exploding.

I don’t think that was anywhere near common and when it did happen the guild didn’t survive long.

I don’t doubt it’s not common, but if there is a chance… I don’t wanna partake in that, just makes it harder for people like myself to raid and find a guild. I will never trust someone with the power to choose what I can and cannot roll on.


I mean if 1 person asks 19 other people if they’re ok with this, and they all say yes, is that not letting 20 people make their own choice?

As was said, we already do this. We just use an addon that automatically passes on loot in raids so one person gets it all in their bags and then we work out who would be best off with what and manually trade it to them. We outline that’s how we do things at the door, people accept it because it’s how everyone at our level does things, then we move on and kill bosses.

In the olden days of wow long long ago when even my now solo playing self greatly enjoyed raiding and did nothing but raiding or running dungeons with a guild that is now since long gone…

The solution was dkp. Remember that “solution “ to ML? There was a feature on the guilds website built specifically to manage DKP. you could look up how many points your characters had (you could register one guild raid main and one alt main). Guild mains got extra points per run than alts did.

What mess it was after a while.

Then in another guild it was straight loot council. What joy that system is especially if you aren’t among the clique of friends with the loot council members. A few guild members (whom if I recall were all officers for the sole reason they were irl friends with the guild master, including one being the GMs girlfriend) selected to determine who is awarded which loot .

Another solution to manage ML.

ahh yes the good old days…

I used to pug, didn’t like the idea when I was part of the PUG scene. But if they give us an alternative to not pug to get loot like the delve thing? I honestly don’t care, ya’ll can have your masterloot back. Sounds like equivalent exchange to me. I get my loot the way I want to get my loot, you get your loot the way you want to get your loot. Should 100% have some level of protections on it though.

“Your group leader wishes to engage master loot. Do you agree with this decision? Requires all group members to vote yes.”



Sounds great, maybe include in the group finder tool an indicator the person wishes to at some point have masterloot on. This way people can filter out masterloot groups if they don’t want in one. It can be a bit dicey though that would require some level of enforcement to ensure people don’t falsely list their groups.

I’d probably just also make it require 3/4 guild members as it did in the past.

At the end of the day with how loot trading works right now I don’t actually see ML as a “return” of something old. I see it more as QoL tweak for those already using it. Having your bags fill up with items then having to manually trade everything out is just tedious.


Yeah tbh, I don’t really see the big fuss, if trading is already a thing then masterloot already exists by element of peer pressure.


Raid Leader: Do you agree to follow the rules of how we distribute the loot?

If no



Calling it peer pressure I think sends the wrong message. We all exist within various social constructs bound by various rules regulations and expectations. I can do any number of heinous or unsightly things in my day to day life but I wouldn’t say it’s peer pressure that’s stopping me.

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I think it’s a matter of perception. Societal unspoken contracts really is no different from peer pressure. It’s merely feeling pressured to follow a set of rules in order to participate with your peers. The only difference is rather or not you are doing it because you want to, or if you fear that if you don’t you won’t be able to participate. So for you it may not be peer pressure. The person standing next to you? Well that’s hard to know.

I want to emphasize, that peer pressure has a negative connection to it but it doesn’t always have to be negative. It like many things in this world is merely a construct we have created. How it is used is what makes it good or not. Interventions for example are a method of peer pressure that has saved lives.

The troll GL supporters claimed GL is ML lolz, so deal with them first :yawning_face:

Organized scams, Organized crime are also bunch of like minded ppl that do this on daily basis , Can you claim from US to AU everyone is a saint and would distribute fairly?? then there is no use of making a collective point for everyone to bring back any system even within your own community . Even Method swindled Preach Off loot . :rofl: :rofl:

When it comes to an online environment without real life consequences there are more ppl that will do bad than good. Cause ppl behave through real consequences and there is no such thing in a video game.

The end

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Ah yes, Masterloot.

The old tool for the braindead jerk who wants to lord over people and give armor to their favorites…

I see what you’re trying to get at OP, can’t put that burlap sack over my head!


Yet master loot for all intents and purposes currently exists. All adding the actual function back does is provide QoL for those already using it.

I will take any hoop or requirement needed to make you happy. Though I suspect you wouldn’t be happy with what we’re doing in lieu of official master loot any way…

Been in my guild the better part of a decade and we have had zero individuals steal loot. Its also even easier to steal loot without master loot because now anyone can roll on whatever they want while the other 18 people not assigned to carry it auto pass. The fact that in the 4 years ML has been gone this hasn’t happened to use once with any trial or member kinda shows people can behave.

Guilds who want to use ML are already using it in every sense but the name. Its just needlessly tedious to do so.


if one person says lets go stick up a store, and the other four are ok with it, but they all get caught doesn’t make it a good idea because they agreed: They only agree to the idea until they get royally roasted or burned: Everything is a good idea until someone breaks a leg. then its 'ohh we should have known better you know we should have seen it"

Same thing for master looter: if you go 99 times with a clean good, loot is fair run awesome: but only takes 1, and 1 normally happens more often then not, just depends on the item that dropped.

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I should claim whiplash compensation for that non sequitur.

Honestly at the end of the day I do not care what you think about ML. Its not gone, adding it doesn’t bring it back, it’s already here and we’re literally using it right now to divide out tier pieces such that we get the largest number of 2 and 4 sets before mythic tomorrow.

All I’d like to see is some QoL to make using it less tedious and remove the risk of bad actors stealing loot from groups that have otherwise agreed to use it.

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Every system of loot is like that though.

Group loot you can have people roll need on and win things they don’t need taking them from people who do.

There’s no loot system that functions well 100% of the time.