Lets Try The New LFG Before We Rage About No LFD

You likely have a filter from an addon, I thought the authenticator change had fixed it but an addon I didn’t expect (think it was one of the world quest addons) blocked it all from view

Retail and classic are different beasts. Way more spam here in classic. Why? Can’t say, but it’s everywhere.

much like today you can download addons to block most spam.

If you don’t, you can see that it’s still a problem

Yup the one click report ad they recently added to the LFG tool makes this easy to deal with.

But if you don’t ever want to see it you can download an addon to block those bots.

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yeah this is literally just the retail M+ tool, its already very discriminatory with how much info it shows you and nothing will change from how it is now. you have a group and need 1 dps, you ask chat and you get two warriors respond, one just says he’s fury, the other says he’s a T6 fury with glaives. which one do you invite?

all that changes with this is that you pull up the list of applicants and see that someone is a certain gearscore and so you invite whichever one is higher. if it isn’t already in the game at the start then it will be made into an addon just like how M+ Rio score was made into an addon

you can also download global ignore and filter anything by keyword

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Do you mean content that isn’t ever green isn’t ever green?!?

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I’m chill, however, this is some of the worst accessibility news Blizz has pumped out in a long time. Due to reasons, I’m a pretty mediocre player. I’m plenty good enough to help a group get through any 5-man content in WotLK, but on paper I’m going to be the last person picked by someone in the new LFG tool.

Yeah, I know, “join a guild”… My guild transfered and I’m stuck on the wrong side of a mega server.

Maybe things will get better in WotLK.

So right now just searched for M+ SoA, 1 WTS post, Gambit 1 WTS post, Sanguine Depths 0 ad posts.

Unfortunately the Raid section is filled with level 1 bots with the advertisements.

Quests section, 0 adds

Legacy Raids, 0 ads.

And Custom (PvE) 0 ads.

More often then not its not really people being discriminatory.

If you put up a dungeon looking for dps you get 400 dps queued instantly, there’s just so many dps that if you get denied they likely didn’t even SEE your application.


The amount of players I’ve seen kicked in RDF groups because of their damage or spec or playstyle is awful.

That’s not an RDF issue.

While I appreciate the fact that you can ignore and report spammers, it doesn’t solve the problem. It just sweeps it under the rug. They are still there. Spamming 24/7. RDF would have made them go away. This gives them a voice.

you think that won’t happen with LFG?

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RDF wouldn’t make them go away. They would still be spamming WTS any other activities.

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I download the addon to block bot but it stopped me from reporting them so I deleted it. The recent changes with the authenticator and reporting have helped a lot.

We’ll certainly try it but we already know the end result. It’ll be just as useless/abandoned as the current LFG tool. If it can’t cross realm it won’t find anyone. The problem is that there’s people to find. No silly tool will solve this problem without cross realm pooling the players. If they were connect the realms, then this would work. But they aren’t, so it won’t.

“I do beg to differ on that though. Even without cross realm it will still be successful.”
“I do agree however it will be near useless on dead servers.”
-So if it’s “near useless” then it won’t be “successful,” will it? It can’t be both.

The UI they posted doesn’t show gearscore or ilvl. Undoubtedly an addon will solve that problem for us though.


I do beg to differ on that though. Even without cross realm it will still be successful. I consistently see most players when I’m pugging M+ from a handful of servers which are High Pop.

I do agree however it will be near useless on dead servers.

Orly? I just checked, it’s littered with them, specially raids.