Lets try No Flying in TBC! Please read what my suggestion is first

Hyperbole, literally wrong.

Ignorance is bliss :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope Blizzard doesn’t read this title and think it’s a good idea to delete flying in TBC

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Flying is core to TBC, it’s fair to argue that it brought many issues that may have been bad for the game but for any Classic TBC it has to include flying.

Also, as a Druid I enjoy my class having a monopoly on Anzu summonings as we get this during our epic flight form quest. It would be extremely disheartening if they allowed any and every class to summon Anzu.

Also the epic Druid flight form looks amazing.



He’s right. Not only taking away flying but the dishonesty about the whole thing was a big reason players left. Only Blizzard’s aware of the main reason players leave because of that little comment section asking why, but it’s easy enough to figure out that they wouldn’t have added a version of flying back to the game if it wasn’t. Especially after they said no flying ever.

They were literally fuming at their players for not embracing their “vision.” Adding pathfinding was them throwing a little hissy fit and was one of the dumbest decisions they’ve ever made.

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Shove a flight master (NPC to get you there for the first time) where flying is required and bada bing, no flying is needed.

Blades Edge is gonna be tough tho

During Wrath classic is after Blizzard nerfed the XP required to get from 1-60 twice.
Once during TBC and again during Wrath.

The cool thing about this is that there is absolutely no way Blizz will do this. Not a chance. You know, they do some things right

 retail isn’t even a good game for what it is anymore. they give you like 5% of the content you should be getting for a full gaming experience :expressionless:

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Here, you can try no flying. Ill continue to keep and use my flying as the game was intended


I hate to tell you this, again, but no one is getting an authentic anything when the servers are progressed in phases at the very last patch after all the bug fixes, itemization fixes, class fixes, and quest fixes.

You want authentic? Advocate for them to release a 1.0 vanilla server that progresses in patches with ALL the changes that entails (who cares if the patches themselves are faster) instead of phases. For TBC, have them start tbc on 2.0. Not 2.4.3 with just the raids disabled. That isn’t authentic.

Also, if you want to REALLY get authentic, have them release it on the 2.0-2.3 client. not the 2.4 client. Have them release vanilla on the original 1.0-1.12 client, not the 1.13-1.15 client thats built on the dragonflight engine. Thats when youre really authentic.

But we saw how that goes. Hardcore was, I feel, either intentionally released on an inferior client build, or was intentionally not worked on as well as the other clients when it came to bugs and disconnects and EVERYONE including me hated that, why would you want that again?

Who wants barely any leveling content in zones that are 40+? How about all the really weird itemizations they used to have?

You wouldnt. Thats why no one gets “authentic”. You get “close enough to authentic”

I’m sure you know this, but that would require them to put the cataclysm world in for TBC to allow that as almost EVERYWHERE you look there was corners cut for the game to ship “on time” be it cities that are actually 2d to areas like uldum, greymane wall, hyjal, etc that were unfinished (and as we know, never actually finished until 6 years later because they decided on an expansion set model instead of linear progression)

Which then would make people ask:
Well where is grim batol?
Where is hyjal?
Where is Firelands?
Where is Bastion of Twilight?
Where is Uldum?
Where is Twilight Highlands?
Where is Throne of the Four Winds and Vortex Pinnacle?

Now, if you’re asking for all of those things during TBC and scaled to 70, I’d be ALL for re-imagined content. But you and I both kjnow Blizz won’t do that.

Blizz was still adding servers in late TBC. Those servers obviously were on that patch. Just imagine this is one of those servers. Progressive patches could be authentic, but so would be choosing the last patch.

You have points about the client, but they’ve said why they used the modern one. About preventing hacks and glitches. But really because it’s easier for them to just use Retail’s.

But saying, “It’s not 100% the exact same replication of 2007 TBC, therefore might as well go crazy with changes
!” is a really bad argument.

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Is not equal to

Period. Fact. It just isn’t. For a Fresh experience, you didn’t start on 2.4.3.

This doesn’t exist anywhere in the thread, much less anything I’ve said.

If a server was released middle 2008 what patch were you playing? So yes, using the last patch is authentic.

As far as Vanilla, Blizz claims they couldn’t do progressive patches as they didn’t have all that data saved. They found this 1.12 stuff on like a backup of a backup. That may or may not be a lie.

But with TBC and beyond they saved all the previous patch data. So they could do progressive patches. But
for what? Conceivably balance patches and changes were made to improve the game. People whine and complain right now because Blizz isn’t using systems and balance changes that are expansions away. Can you imagine how much they would obsess over a patch to patch timeline? Still
it might be interesting.

But what does this have to be flying? Do you think there was a time when flying mounts weren’t in TBC? If Blizz one day did a seasonal server set in TBC they could do small level caps, which would mean more time spent pre-flying. But that’s about it.

They also said it didn’t matter because it made more sense to use the last patch anyways as that was the culmination of the all the balancing and gameplay issues they fixed during whatever expansion.

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It’s a lie. The proof literally exists on private servers. There are repacks of nearly Every. Single. Patch, the biggest private server after nostalrius is on the 1.12 client right now. Others have progressed since 1.5, with the oldest build found being 0.5.3 I believe, which means, ALL of vanilla is easily findable, source-able, and/or buildable. They just went with the easiest option. The joke about the server blades were just that: A joke. They have the information and what they dont have they could find, because we the players already found it all

No fault to them, but it makes stances like yours not work and it makes them, at minimum, dishonest.

Midway through? So june/july? You’d be in wrath alpha/beta dude. You dont even know when the patches launched so stop acting like you do. The oldest server was released in december 5th 2006, you know what patch that was? 2.0.1.

The absolute oldest server during TBC’s lifespan, not including oceanic, which was during the ZG patch. The absolute oldest was during the beta for Wrath. So what’s authentic? A time where the majority of the realms were open, which was launch, the time were only 2 were open during the 2.3 patch, or the time where 5 were open from 2.3-3.0 beta?

Be so for real right now. This is all readily available public information.

This last quote doesnt even make sense with anything that’s been said. You cried for authenticity When you, likely, didn’t even play in 2006-2008 (dont really care enough about this thread, or you in general, to scour your achievements). All I did was show you were wrong. Don’t bring it up as an attack if you can’t back up what you said
which in this case, you literally can’t.

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LOL. I just had to quote this part because it’s so funny. There were servers being made into 2009, actually.

So as I said just imagine you’re playing on a fresh server in mid 2008. That’s what this would be. Except content is gated.

Everything else
I don’t know what you’re trying to say. What does any of this have to do with flying? Because it was always in TBC.

Which was wrath, who literally cares. We are talking about TBC’s lifespan, hence, me stopping at November 10th, with Fizzcrank, because literally 3 days after, Wrath launched.

No it wouldn’t, because:
It wasn’t on the first patch, and its not on the last patch. Again, you want “authenticity”? Ask for patches. Not phases. Otherwise you literally dont have an argument. Least of all about what patch it was on when you don’t even know what patch it’s on.

Everything you quoted is directed at your irrelevant comment about authenticity. Don’t cry about there being multiple topics when you’re the one that derailed it to begin with.

I see you did a quick Google search only to find out you were dead wrong. Nice pivot, though! :+1:

The point is servers were still being made at the latter part of TBC, and thus you could easily say using the last patch is still an authentic TBC recreation.

I don’t care if they do progressive patches or not. Go ahead. People will complain way more than they already do.

And what does this have to do with flying, again?

I literally didn’t. The search to verify my own claim was done in the first comment.

Again, don’t derail the thread. Flying is fine.

No. We can’t. If you want the link I’m willing to give it to you. If you are just going to troll, I’ll just end the convo and ignore.