Let's Talk Shockadin


Blizzard has put a great deal of focus into the Shockadin playstyle in Phase 5 of SOD, most notably both the Tier 2 and ZG sets focus on Shockadin gameplay. However, Shockadin remains a “meme” spec and that most raiders laugh at and consider a burden to a raid team. Shockadins do significantly less damage than Retribution Paladins and bring less utility to raids. Furthermore, Shockadins required Sanctity Aura from Ret Paladins to realize their “full” potential, causing group-dynamic conflicts. SoD healing Mages fill the role of healer-through-damage and outpace Shockadin on both fronts; is it not time to make Shockadin build both viable and desirable? When raids are forming, they always look for a Feral Druid, a Shadow Priest, etc. Shockadins bring nothing to the table that makes them desirable or noteworthy.

Problem #1: Itemization

Even with the advent of Tier 2 and ZG sets, Shockadins have massive itemization issues. Many non-set items are nice, but the trade-offs with sets items are much more different than any other class faces. Some of the best non-set items are low iLevel, sourced in World Bosses or ZG, falling short of BWL itemization drastically.

ZG Set: Underwhelming but Required

The set bonuses are obviously the crux of any Shockadin; 3/5 is mandatory minimum, and 5/5 is required for a pure-damage build. While it is cool to have this set hyper focused on Shockadin, it also sucks that our entire playstyle is only available through set bonuses. One does not simply hit level 60 and go Shockadin… it is a playstyle that only exists with set items. Which other classes are improving their existing framework through set bonuses, we are being made (barely) viable through ours. We are starting from behind and never catching up.

While all Paladin Tier 2 has at least 1% (sometimes 2%) crit on every time, the ZG set contains none - except behind the trinket cooldown and Shock-only on neck. The hit rating somewhat makes sense, given the possibility of running with 6 pieces of T2 that has absolute no hit rating, but the lack of crit really hurts the damage output of this set.

The trinket seems cool, but it always feels lack-luster when I use it. I think if it made Holy Shock a guarantee crit, maybe for a fixed number of casts, it would feel much better (given the CD resets). Given that this trinket it a requirement to play Shockadin, it seems like it could be a lot better.

The bracers feel the the worst in terms of itemization. Not crit or hit at this phase in SOD feels sad. Maybe the damage compensates for it, but Shockadins do really well with crit considering the Holy Shock CD reset; feels like this item doesn’t contribute well to the overall playstyle; probably the first to be taken off when not running 5 piece.

Similarly, the Chest and Belt having no crit which feels a bit icky. However, given the lack of Hit on other items, maybe this is unavoidable. It’s hard to say here without doing some digging on comparable items. A mix of hit and crit feels better to me, but maybe that doesn’t play out well.

Tier 2: The Sad Hybrid

The healing power / spell damage separation on tier pieces was certainly nice, but Shockadin still falls far behind because of half-cocked stating on tier. When using up to 4/8 tier 2 with 5/5 ZG, the damage results are lackluster; non-tier items are MUCH better itemized, given that they are pure damage rather than healing/damage. However, the pure damage stats is not available alongside the set bonuses. It’s a lose-lose decision on itemization for Shockadins. A playstyle is just not going to succeed when all the gear is half-assed and inefficient. How could it?

I haven’t attained 6 piece tier 2, thus I haven’t been able to try out the “beacon-heal-while-dpsing” style, but I doubt it will be impressive enough for raids to drop a full-on healer for a Shockadin given how low the damage is and the nerf to Beacon of Light. While I would ultimately love to play this hybrid-healer style, I don’t think anyone considered it viable. Shockadin ends up being a low-quality healer and a low-quality damage. The way this set bonuses manifests an entire playstyle is similarly problematic to the ZG set; one cannot simply spec into hybrid healer – it exists only in the context of a set item. Thus, weeks into phase 5 I still cannot even play this role. Roles are usually gated by Talents and Runes, not gear-sets; gear-sets can improve and enhance a role, maybe even make it “viable” (for sweaty parses), but I don’t feel like they are commonly creating entirely new roles.

Shaman Gear: Can we be Friends?

Shockadin and Shamans (elemental maybe?) share the same item stats. Why, then, are Shockadins getting half-baked items while Shamans get perfectly tailored one? Some (non-set) gear is designed to be sort-of-Ret and sort-of-Shock (STR+INT), resulting in a piece of garbage no one wants.

For example, Legs of the Fallen Crusader are an absolute waste of a drop in BWL; neither Ret nor Shock will want that. However, the same boss drops Primalist’s Linked Legs for Shamans ONLY, which happen to be PERFECT for Shockadin. The hit rating, in particular, of Primalist’s Leggings makes its a solid non-set pick (arguably BIS), yet it is not available to Alliance.

Infernal Headcage is another example of “Shaman” gear that is (likely) BIS for Shockadin (better than Tier 2 arguably) though the stats suffer for being a lower iLevel from Kazzak. Shockadins simply do not have access to a wide range of BWL-grade pure-damage gear.

Problem #2: Synergy and Utility

Shockadins have less overall utility than Retribution paladins. There is no reason to bring a Shockadin over a Ret paladin. Shockadins also rely on a Ret paladin for Sanctity Aura.

Martyrdom and Mana

Ret paladins can generate significant mana from Seal of Martyrdom. However, Shockadins prefer Seal of the Righteous. Shockadins could run SoM, but they suffer a damage loss and will never generate nearly as much mana as Ret. A damage loss for a crumby utility? Weak. Shockadins are clearly the worse choice.

Hallowed Ground Healing

Where Shockadin does bring utility, over Retribution, is Hallowed Ground (who are otherwise generally running Divine Storm). Shockadins can put out a fair amount of healing with Consecrate which can be useful for raid-damage heavy fights (which is fairly common).

However, the problem with Hallowed Ground is that it is restricted to party members only. This is massive limiting factor that holds back Shockadin utility. If healing through Consecration was raid-wide (assuming standing on it), then Shockadins could rightly claim that they bring abject utility to raids, different from Ret paladins.

  • This would also improve Healer paladins with raid healing, which has always been their weakness.
  • This would also be nice in PvP battlegrounds, when you often fight shoulder-to-shoulder with friends that are not in your “party”.

Sanctity Aura: Wherefore Art Thou?

One major problem with raid-group synergy is the need for a Ret paladin to provide the Shockadin with Sanctity Aura. The issue here is that Horn of Lordaeron causes raids to want to spread out Paladins, one in each group if possible. This causes Shockadins to lose a potential 10% damage boost from their friendly neighborhood Ret paladin. This is a substantial potential damage loss for not being in party with a Ret paladin.


Suggestion #1: Raid-Wide Hallowed Ground

Hallowed Ground healing is a massive utility Shockadins bring to a raid. Having constant heal for all melee (maybe tank if you are close enough) is a huge win and could save lives. This alone might turn heads towards Shockadins and cause raids to actually seek them out.

Presumably the healing would drop off beyond a certain number of targets being healed that way a whole raid stacking together doesn’t get too out of hand.

Suggestion #2: Independent Holy-DPS Tier Set

A major problem with Shockadin is itemization, especially so with Tier 2 being healer gear that is used for DPS. A tier set that focuses on the correct item stats - intellect, spell damage, hit, crit - would got a long way to making Shockadin better. Feral druids have both a DPS set and a Tank set; which not Holy Paladins having to different sets? This immediately solves a huge issue with the class.

This would also allow for the creation of separate set bonuses for Healers and Shockadins, which would allow for each to see new tier bonuses each phase, rather than Healers being stuck in tier 1 (which is certainly a great bonus) just so Shockadin can pretend to exist.

Healers and Shockadins are fundamentally different concerns, different itemizations, and should have unique tier sets. Since tier is already on a token system, this seems to require very little changes to the game.

Suggestion #3: New Libram(s)

A major issue with Shockadin life is that it is bottled up in set bonuses; it does not even exist outside of these sets. How does this work going into AQ and Naxx? The ZG set already feels weak under BWL itemization; how can this continue into the future? How will Shockadin’s be playable if Healers get the next tier set bonus?

One possible approach is to encapsulate Shockadin playstyle into a Libram (or two). The new Librams in Phase 5 are all really interesting and enjoyable; this item slot could be a great way of defining Shockadin playstyle. A new Libram could empower Shockadin damage (similar to ZG set, maybe) while inhibiting healing, ensuring they can contribute to the raid while not being overpowered. Another Libram could allow shockadin to sacrifice some damage while gaining the ability to heal their beacon target. This would allow fresh 60s to Reals-farm a single item that gives them their desired playstyle instead of requiring 4 ZG lockouts to unlock mediocre damage.

It would be nice to Librams, maybe in future phases, that alleviate the need to have the ZG set. Or some other approach to make Shockadin baseline playable without a specific item set, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen with any other class – Runes and Talents should define playstyle, gear should enhance it. Maybe new runes, or heavy changes to runes, are needed for this playstyle to thrive.

Suggestion #4: Feet Rune

No Feet Rune is particularly impressive for Shockadin. There needs to be a better choice here. Art of War is okay, but it doesn’t feel particularly engaging for Shockadin. There is a golden opportunity here to fill this slot with something better aligned.

Feet Rune: Damage Improvement

One way to solve the “Sanctity Aura” issue, and generally weak damage, is to give Shockadin their own Holy Damage power up. Below, the first idea is a pure power-up while the second trades healing for damage.

Feet Rune: Damaging an enemy with Holy Shock increase all Holy damage done by 5% for 15 seconds, stacking 5 times. Does not stack with Sanctity Aura.

Feet Rune: Damaging an enemy with Holy Shock increase all Holy damage done by 5% and reduces all healing done by 5% for 15 seconds, stacking 5 times. Does not stack with Sanctity Aura.

Feet Rune: Healing Improvement

Some ideas for runes to support hybrid heal/damage utility and playstyle. The general idea is that Holy Shock damage generates raid healing, giving Shockadin hybrids healers more raid presence.

Feet Rune: When you damage an enemy with Holy Shock, all raids members within 10 yards of you healed for 10% of the damage done.

Feet Rune: When you damage an enemy with Holy Shock, all raids members within 10 yards of the target healed for 10% of the damage done.

Feet Rune: When you damage an enemy with Holy Shock, all raids members standing within your Consecrate are healed for 10% of the damage done.

Suggestion #5: Chest Rune, Hallowed Ground

For Shockadin to bring real healing utility to any raid, Consecrated Ground needs to have much more of an impact.

Hallowed Ground - ADD.
If Holy Shock is known, Hallowed Ground heals RAID members instead of PARTY members. If more than 10 targets are being effected, the amount of healing is reduced.

The “If Holy Shock is known” is added to prevent Ret paladins from being driven to Consecrated Ground, giving them too much healing utility.

Suggestion #6: Cloak Rune, Shock and Awe

Shock and Awe was DOUBLED because it was so lack-luster. The easiest way to increase Shockadin damage without also tuning up Ret damage, is through another Shock and Awe booster shot.

Suggestion #7: Glove Rune

Presently, there are three distinct choices for Hand Rune: Tanking, Healing, Weapon-Damage. While Beacon of Light would certainly be the choice for a 6-piece T2 Shockadin hybrid healer, none of these runes really add to the Shockadin kit. Crusader Strike is lack-luster given the Sword-and-Board nature of Shockadin and the lack of mana issues (particularly in raids). This rune slot is essentially useless to a damage-focused Shockadin.

Glove Rune, Crusader Strike → Shocka Strike

Crusader Strike, being the apparent damage-dealer choice, could be modified to assist the Shockadin in some way.

One idea is to make Crusader Strike reduce the cooldown of Holy Shock. This improves the quality of the spell within the rotation. Holy Shock failing to critical sets back Shockadin damage greatly due to the lack of cooldown reduction. This change would improve the damage throughput of Crusader Strike by synergizing with Holy Shock.

Crusader Strike - ADD
If known, the cooldown of Holy Shock is reduced by 3 seconds.

Crusader Strike - ADD
If known, the cooldown of Holy Shock is reset.

Glove Rune, Shocker of Judgement

Judgement is quite lack-luster for Shockadin. The damage is so low, and the rotation is so dense with spells, that it Judgement is rarely a priority. One idea is to ramp up the damage through consecutive Holy Shocks to make the GCD more valuable and feel much better.

Glove Rune: Damaging an enemy with Holy Shock increases the damage of your next Judgement by 20% stacking 10 times and lasting 15 seconds; critical hits generate two stacks.


Shockadin itemization is wholistically lack-luster. A dedicated spell-damage Tier 2 set does not exist and various set bonuses are required for the playstyle to exist. Too much of the best items for Shockadin, especially pure-damage, are lower ilevel gear such as ZG and World Bosses; this equates to a loss of stats overall.

Some of the rune slots are flat out terrible for Shockadin damage dealers. Gloves add nothing and Feet are extremely weak. Shockadin runes need to be added or existing runes modified to support Shockadin better.

The only raid utility that Shockadin brings is consecrate healing, but it is party only. Hallowed Ground needs to be extended to the whole raid, at least when Holy Shock is known. There needs to be a reason to bring a Shockadin to a raid – currently they are just a worse Ret paladin.

At the end of the day Mage healers follow the same path as Shockadin – healing and damage hybrid. Shockadins should be comparable to Mage healers in both damage and heals. Why is there a sizeable gap?


Didn’t shockadin just win a tourny? No way you’re trying to convince anyone that paladins are weak. Pallies right now are as broken as enhance shamans were in phase 3 and the gaslighting from the paladin mains is even worse than the shaman mains were, you can’t convince me otherwise.


They are fairly good.

Shockadin is a powerhouse pvp spec as for viability in raids, idk they didn’t really add support for it.


Shock boy won the EU tournament. They could put back the 30% holy damage buff on rogue poison/curse without effecting PVP.

The pvp tournament was horribly run, bad rule set and most of it took place in BGs with the bonus health aura, causing some classes to be much more viable than others.

Warlock can’t meta + drain but paladins can bubble, sure ok.

I stated that Shockadin is good in PvP, but they don’t bring enough to the table for raids want them. When I try to get into a raid I never say I’m a Shockadin, just that I am DPS. When I say Shockadin I usually get laughed at.

Ask for them to put back the 30% holy damage done from rogue poison and curse

Ask for them to put back the 30% holy damage done from rogue poison and curse

The drawback to this is that Ret also gains the benefit, thus maintaining the gap between Ret and Shockadin. It really needs to be self-only buff to avoid creeping other builds.

Wdf… did u just write a dissertation…? Go to the mall bro…


Hemisphere’s most attentive and intelligent :broccoli: head.

Idk I just saw a shockidin crit me three times for 1700

How in the world can a paladin complain? One hybrid spec doesn’t work but everything this is super strong? Meanwhile other classes are much worse off, specifically casters.

Shockadin is a PvP spec, not a PvE spec.

Complaining that it’s not viable in PvE is dumb. Blizzard specifically made it good for PvP in Phase 5. That’s where you’re supposed to play Shockadin. You are not supposed to play Shockadin in a ‘raid format’.

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Shockadin was insanely fun in p4. Once you get crit up to around 70% with full consume and WB, it can deal good damage. With the ZG 3 set, it would have topped damage alongside other DPS.

As for pvp balance, Simply reduce shock timer by 3s when critting a player, else it resets to 0s. PvP is balanced and PvE is still fun!

Not like its without precedence. Warlock used to be able to mind control meta players for 5 mins, but its reduced to 10s if its a player. Apply the same balance mechanic here.

We sure they wanted Shockadin and not Melee Healer (T2 6p bonus).

Also, all they need is to make Shock and Awe convert 100% of the Healing Bonus to Spell Damage at a 1:1 ratio (1 healing into 1 spell damage). Then make a libram that reverses it.

((What this would mean is a true Shockadin would have zero +healing and around…what… 700 spell damage with T2 and weapon. Or reversed via Libram to have +700 healing and +0 spell damage.))

Right now Shock and Awe holds us back because it allows us to keep the +healing and then gain around +400 spell damage (2 times intellect). So we end up with massive damage potential and massive healing.

You missed threat generation, shockadin threat is terrible. You do less damage than other casters but generate way more threat. Usually on initial pull if you pop wings and trinket you will get insta gibbed.

Alright also a fellow Shockadin here, I agree on some stuff, and disagree on stuff. If Blizzard intended Shockadin to be for PvP, I wish they’d just say it. I also have a Shockadin set for PvE (as you can tell from my profile pic with the infernal helm). I would love them to make us better for PvE, but we are OP in PvP currently. So whatever they do, balance us so in PvP we don’t get any stronger, but in PvE we are a LOT stronger. I’ll comment on some things.

Yep agree with this, the part that caught me off guard was the -3 seconds on exorcism being before the cut in half from purifying power. Would be so, so much better if it was after making it a 4.5-second cooldown vs. the 6-second cd we have now. (Sadly this would buff us in PvP though)

As a holy paladin as my Main Spec, Draconic just sucks. It’s not great because the bonuses don’t really help healing. I like the idea behind it though, just bad implementation.

We get some decent gear from BWL. It’s just our class isn’t tuned correctly for Shockadin to work in PvE.

1000% Agree here, it is a tough ask for a shockadin to ask to be put in the group of another paladin, we need access to it somehow without having to spec in the talent. I’ll mention my solution here in the proposed solution I have to this.

This is an entirely different discussion, this rune is almost useless for raiding as an Hpal even. We need a better rune in this slot for Holy or Consecrate needs to have some sort of healing scalar instead of it being damaged along with being raid-wide. I think a different rune here for Shockadin is better. We’ll see. I like the idea of damage shocker vs the damage to healing idea because mages do that already.

Yes and no, I’ll discuss this in my suggestions to fix it. I don’t consider Hshock deserving of it’s own tier set but I see a future with this I will shout out.

Yes and no. Our Hshock Libram that makes Holy Wrath Stronger is underwhelming except if you have it pre-charged right before a pull. Another interesting one I see is the avengers shield hitting the same target twice.

Yeah agree with this, our feet runes are pretty terrible for Shockadin. Not a bad rune idea here because it requires some build-up (so it’s not busted for PvP).

Okay, I am not joking, it needs to be like 3x or 4x for it to be worth it for DPS on bosses for the int to spell power. But there needs to be a side effect here that it halves your holy damage to players. Then maybe on top of that make it so you lose half of your +healing.

Agree something has got to happen here for Shockadin, crusader strike just isn’t doing the job it needs to for Shockadin. Reducing the CD on Hshock by 3 seconds is a bad idea IMO. This is overpowered in PvP and allows Hpals to spam shocks on people over and over again as long as they crit. The judgment one is interesting though for sure.

The Solution

In order to find a solution, let’s think of gaps currently in the spec. I personally don’t mind the strong gear requirements for ZG. I am thinking raw damage, not the damage healer hybrid.

  • A solid chest, hand, and feet rune.
  • A reason to use Hammer of Wrath, Avenger’s Shield (I know this is for tanking, but could legitimately be a tool for Shockadin), and Holy Wrath (even with the Libram)
  • A lack of overall spell damage in PvE

Now that we know the issues, let’s address how they can fix this problem:

  • Changing runes’ locations/abilities.
  • Adding another new set.
  • Buffing previous or adding new items.

I’ll state the buffs I want to see in Shockadin now (Not ALL should be implemented because that would probably result in an overpowered mess):

  • With AQ20 (Ruins) coming out make the 3-piece cloak, ring, and weapon set for Shockadin on Paladin. This fits in well without breaking the ZG set. Make the 3-set bonus here allowing concentration aura to also give 10% holy damage to yourself (Sanctity aura). Make each piece give a significant amount of crit too, as that is what the spec needs.
  • Make Shock and Awe give 3-4x int to spell power, but reduce your holy damage to players by 50%.
  • Move improved Hammer of Wrath to hands, and increase it’s damage by 200% of your spell power or something. This is currently pitiful for an execute ability in PvE.
  • Art of War - Based on which is higher (attack power or spell power) your melee crits (if attack power) or spell crits (if spell power) reduce the cooldown on Exorcism by 2 seconds, and the mana cost is reduced by 80%.
  • Libram of Wrath - Also make Critical Spell hits to reduce the CD of Holy Wrath by 3 seconds.
  • “New” Libram of Holy Chaos (for the next phase) - Avenger’s shield gains damage equivalent to 100% of your spell power, and its cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds whenever your exorcism crits. Your Holy Wrath deals 100% more damage and gets a 3-second cooldown reduction whenever Holy Shock crits. You deal 80% less holy damage to players.

Once again this cannot be overpowered in PvP if they do this. It’s okay that it is right now, because what would be the point of it if it sucked in both? If these changes are made to make it a viable option in PvE, then it should get heavily nerfed in PvP.

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Paladins are busted in PvP, are we really asking for buffs to that?

“We” obviously are not, but he is.