Lets talk PVP: Instant Cast Long Range Abilities

ya i edited.


like at least the classes making up the 4 would have to be able to 1v2.5 right?

little bit op.

but ya probably vs bots which would be less impressive and more of a do you press buttons and have a small bit of knowledge about pvp in the slightest.

i mean going vs bots is like the old family guy “how many toddlers can you take on” thing where you just back into a spot and keep kicking in front of you type of thing.

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yea you just missed it this entire post for your 4v1 senario… right? same with the We and my TEAM part right? Yup you can burrow out as well and wait for trap CD… and again you can deadzone their charge. there are other classes that play warrior… i know you have tunnel vision but ill say it again.

game HEALTHY all specs ideas classes across both factions. YAyyyyyyyy

Welp the people I was helping rank the passed few weeks are a frost mage arms war and r druid and I am a hunter so yeah I guess when we vs the endless Prot war shaman priest stacking BUMs we are the top classes.

bout time someone admits that tank shaman have weaknesses (hell tanks in general all share the same weaknesses).

but ya war + heals + range with lots of cc in terms of a frost mage and hunter+ alot of direct and instant long range damage is a a sweet combo.

i wish i could ban someone from my forums post so badly…

where does it say WE/ MY TEAM in this post MR 4v1 ?

Yeah let’s get a big nerf on hunters pls

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Yeah because I cannot say Me if I am in a group. referring to MYSELF when I am in a group is just the WORST thing imaginable… And none of it matters. It was one point of many after you tell me because I have scatter/trap I should NEVER EVER be able to get deadzoned EVER AT any TIME. You are just a BUM idk what else to say.

i mean im not convinced they need a huge nerf.

nerf them too much they become useless without buffs in other areas or some type of rebalancing of the damage profile they have.

nerf them too little and its just another nerf that just makes the hunter players feel bad and everyone else to have some sort of joy at their nerfing but then to realize later it was all for naught and also just more ammo on the “hunters have been nerfed more than anyone in sod” thing.

unless it was nerfs to all classes capable of doing instant long range big damage on very short to no cooldown …

but i dont think we are gonna see that.

okay lets go with your logic… if you where in a group why is group letting you get deadzoned? :slight_smile: i can do this all day littile one.

Maybe we are out numbered, maybe we are oom, Maybe we are being flanked. There are endless variables. But the Idea that it should be impossible to ever get into melee range vs a hunter is the dumbest thing I have ever heard…

depends on the class and the runes they are running.

take for instance tank shaman not running ghost wolves.

their highest range ability is flame/frost shock at 20 yards and even “pushing” totems has a max range that is about 25 yards and can be not able to be placed due to terrain issues.

if they are running ghost wolves though , it changes the entire board.

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Nothings impossible if you fight WAY outnumbered. I completley thought u had enough common sense to uderstand that it wasnt a catch all statement. Like yea if you fight 100 people chances are 1 person will deadzone you and therese nothing you can do about it… becuase its 100 people

I stand by that post if its happening to you consistantly your doing somethign wrong lad. or your group.

What does posting your original BUM statement prove other than you are a BUM? Like make a hunter and get 30k HKs document all of it and show me how you never got deadzoned a single time. EVER.

Show me how scatter NEVER missed. Show me how trap NEVER got resisted. Show me how no one EVER had a trinket. Show me how a rogue NEVER opened on you. Show me how shaman wolves NEVER got to you. Show me how NO ONE was ever mounted EVER at ANY time. Show me how you NEVER got RNG stunned by ANY class EVER cause you can perfectly stay within 37-41 yards and NEVER get attacked EVER.

Show me when I said I am always deadzoned at all times… I used a hunter being deadzoned as an example of being in a disadvantageous position…

Lol i love how you say What does posting your original BUM statement prove other than you are a BUM?
And then you post it. your such a goon bro. LMAO … better yet can you show me where i said you where being deadzoned at all times? it doesnt even say that in the post. You reposted. BUM

What post did I repost?

Your original post implied you should never be able to get deadzoned because of scatter/trap and then you went on to defend it for 45 min… Then you went on a rant about being in a group and still implied I should never be able to get deadzoned cause my group should never allow me being deadzoned… BUM

nope you think it implied that. It doesnt say at all times does it?

… dont assume

If you didn’t go on to defend it for 45 min you could say that. But you keep moving the goalpost however you want bud you still lose in game and on the forums.

just show me where it says at all times. :slight_smile: in fact you even say…

Yeah it is a lot easier to control 1 person at a time than many. Doesn’t matter what you said you literally defended it for 45 min bud.