Lets talk PVP: Instant Cast Long Range Abilities

Im Seeing more and more people show me screen-shots of instant cast long range abilites hitting for 2,000 damage or more in PVP and i have some screen shots of this as well. Plainly put into words. I really dont think instant long range abilities should be hitting for more than 1.8k MAX. (1.5k soft cap 1.8k hard cap.) Or if the abilites do hit for 2k+, make it hard to setup so that you have to go through 4 globals before you can hit for those amounts.

thats not healthy for PVP or for the game.


The faster they make all instant cast abilites crit for less than 2k on cloth/leather as well as mail/plate the better, for a healthy and balanced PvP. 3k Kill Shot, 2.4k Chimera still out there making people quit the game


boomkins have been running around with more armor than plate and doing more dps with just starfall single target than arms can do with its entire rotation

the concept of stats, attack tables, scaling in and outside of raid, etc are far beyond the interns trying to make SoD

their personal bias against warrior is stronger than their understanding of anything else. Outside of raid a bis shadowpriest does over 3x the dps of a bis fury warrior on the same sims they use for balance.

The flipped the 2019 WCL raid dps graph upside down, skewed it to make it worse, and then made non-raid balance 100x worse, and called it a day.


Can we stick to the topic, Abralan

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People have 15K+ HP in BGs.

People have 15k+ HP in BGs.

Yeah make it so hunter can’t do any damage along doing 0 healing and dying in 3 sec RNG stuns. They should never win a fight and we should feel upset that BUMs quit the game cause they can’t get better and get globald in PvE gear.

No they don’t. Maybe when you can get past rank 8 you will learn how to PvP.

Yeah let’s keep using PvE to talk about PvP.

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I feel like they should have made bladestorm a thing FOR warrior, make it tied to being forced to have taken sweeping strikes or Ms whichever to give arms an edge.

For PvP balance who really cares , it wouldn’t save warriors but would give them a strong pressure condition every 1.5 mins.

And honestly with the introduction of starfall, feral spirits, wings , pony, lock and load, trap launcher and in combat traps… like holy crap throw these poor warriors a damn bone. PvP Warriors really did eat it in SoD

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I personally disagree with you. In original vanilla, mages can 2-shot people with POM Pyro or even without cooldown if stars align. I personally think this makes the game more fun and adds an element of excitement to it

No it is not. If you are a DPS class, you need to have the tools to reasonably execute your role.

Just because you cannot press 1-2 button and delete everything as a warrior does not make them underpowered. Maybe you should consider learning proper rotations like other classes. They had to do the same thing, and (much more tedious for druids) in original vanilla.

They do? Wow, in that case 2K burst value is seriously too small. For major cooldowns popped, the burst should be at least 5-8K minimum. Good co-ordinated burst from DPS class are in line with the spirit of vanilla. And the fact is, if they can do such burst safely from a distance without interruption, we have to ask ourselves, what is their opponent doing allowing them to freecast like this?

Of course, tanking and other hybrid tanking classes I’d assume have natural mitigation in place to soak the burst. it’s only fair.

I should know Im full stam gear tank and like i told you many MANY times and the only way i get 15k HP is consumes world buffs and buffs from other classes AND ONLY IN A BG, and it still gets deleted in a few seconds. Please understand there are also more ways to pvp outside of a BG… you didnt touch on that.

The only class you play is hunter i understand why you support 2k+ instant abilites and i found that the ONLY people that do support it are are hunters, mages, moonkins. Change my mind.

Not sure if you remember BEFORE they added that extra HP in BG’s in phase 2 or something, but i do, and i rember every thread on the forums talked about how bad it was before the changes. More itneraction with your target is better.

Its healthy for the game overall I PROMISE and not just your class/spec. Relax legolas.

No they don’t.

you RREALLY contradicted yourself, and its honestly people like you that i find to be the problem… look at what you say

In original vanilla, mages can 2-shot people with POM Pyro or even without cooldown if stars align. I personally think this makes the game more fun and adds an element of excitement to it


Just because you cannot press 1-2 button and delete everything as a warrior does not make them underpowered. Maybe you should consider learning proper rotations like other classes.

Really…Dude… So what your saying is mages should be able to 2 shot people from range but warriors that have to close a gap shouldnt??? Mabey YOU should learn a proper rotation, UNO REVERSE CARD. Do you play mage, Seems like it?

This is the problem with PVP these days people just want THEIR class to be OP and on easy mode instead of looking at all the other classes and the game overall.

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It doesn’t matter if it’s instant or not… it’s impossible to be competitive in pvp unless you already have the gear. Even the blue rank 7 set is literally nothing. This game is terrible for catering to players or alts who are new to pvp.

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I 100% agree. Everything will 1 shot you, breathing air will kill you it feels like. (and the bonuses from those earlier sets mean nothing.) I cant imagine starting an alt and pvping.

Even non isntant abilites, But to my point when you see those isntant cast 2.5k kill shots, or 2.5k icelance from 40yrds. (while your dealing no damage yourself) I would probably uninstall.


Rock, Paper,

…Mack Truck


I would like a Storm Bolt or Shattering Throw more than Bladestorm. Even as an xor (breaks absorbs and immunities, if none exist, stuns instead) bc it adds a counterplay layer for priest/hopa to avoid the stun. But I hear ya.

dont understand the response here

consumes and class buffs have always been the vanilla/classic meta for pvp. regardless of where you are pvping. if you aren’t doing it you deserve loses its not even related to balancing.

I cant get other class buffs solo.Oh i see what you missed. that was in response to him saying people walk around with 15k hp open world which just is not true. Now i agree open world pvp use flaks absolutely! Especially solo. But if your using consumes like reglar strength pots open word with how much they are and the amount you will be dying then give me a hook up on your gold.

They do. Tanks easily have over 15k with buffs and non tanks have like 10-15k depending on class/buffs/consumes. All you BUMs want retail pvp where people can’t do any damage outside of CD burst windows and all you do is trade defensives for offensives until dampening hits 45%. It is so boaring.

No one is one shotting anyone in the game with gear. It is possible for some classes to global people. But those people usually don’t have PvP gear. Also all of this is reliant on crits. You cannot perfectly balance the game around 1v1s so stop trying to do that.

If you think it is so easy anyone go make a hunter/boomkin whatever else you think is OP and try to one shot someone in PvP gear that isn’t skeying around staring at the buttons wondering where their defensive ability is. And if they have a healer yeah good luck.

YES EVERY CLASS SHOULD NOT DO THE SAME THING AS EVERY OTHER CLASS! GO PLAY RETAIL! Why do you think FIRE MAGE SUCKS right now? Because they are a glass cannon class with no cannon. They took all their damage away and they cannot burst people down anymore… What is so hard to understand about this?

Warriors get on top of you and spam dps they have MS literally one of the BEST abilities in the game it LEGIT lets you kill people through heals. They are also tanky and have multiple defensives and are very hard to kite once they are on you… Why should a warrior be able to do the same damage as a mage/boomkin with 1 or 2 buttons?

Just because a class has higher burst potential than another class doesn’t mean they are op. What happens when a dot class dots you up and then stands behind los? while you ROT away and can’t hit them? What happens when you deadzone a hunter? What happens when you silence a caster? Disarm a melee? There are many abilities in the game that can be used to disadvantage various classes… Why do you want every class to be the same? Ya boar me.

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Full buffed and flask I have about 12k HP and I choose to stack stam. Maybe tanks can reach that high but don’t make it sound as if everyone runs with 15k hp when it’s just not true.

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And you even quoted. Most non tanks have between 10-15k… I said PEOPLE have 15k+ in HP not EVERYONE. You have 12kHP and then get crit for 2k OH NOES ONE SHOT…