Maybe you’re right. I wouldn’t mind more WSG and AB when it’s out. The AV spam meta blows.
I’m honestly impressed. I should have known a gnome actually did put some real math behind their estimates. Lol.
Most here don’t and just pull numbers from the void. Well done.
Even if it’s really inaccurate at least I put forth an effort lol
yeah and horde dont
clearly i do, idoit
So you were wrong then. Alliance queues weren’t always gunna be long.
Perhaps they won’t be opened on that realm. Or the Horde there will roll alliance toons just to achieve that. Who knows.
It’s a bit toxic to keep asking for changes to a classic game that was re-released to cater to people who wanted to play WOW in its original state.
Please stop being toxic
the mistakes done in this Classic :(Faction balance- could be capped by Blizzard, short P2- WPvP, honor system- based on farming per hour rather than actual skill,: crossrealms- kills WPvP and local rivalries: server transfers- easy escape, no accountability for the past decisions, potential abusing.)
I like BG’s but I feel like it should not have been added to MMO game, at least not in the form of instance. BG’s could exist in MMO but it should be in a particular location or arena with the open access for everyone and it should be unique per server not a multi-instanced thing we have now.
alliance are the lesser played faction
just means a few are getting short queues while the majority waits. learn to see the big picture before talking to me
Until we get AB, everything else is trash PVP.
I think before I read this thread there is going to be a lot people who didn’t read your post and say whatever they wanted to say about the topic before reading what you wrote.
So I’m just mostly going to reply to you. I do believe you are correct that the population is so unbalanced and that is why we are having such a big issue with PvP.
Everyone who was horde originally was happy returning and everyone who was alliance originally who PvP’d saw obvious advantages to playing the Horde faction and it drew a lot of those players over too.
So we’ve identified the problem and sure your solution would work. But that’s relying on thousands of people changing their mind and it won’t ever work that way. The only way a system can function is if you trust the head to lead. Nobody trusts them because, well look at retail. Gave them what they wanted and everything got worse.
We’ve said no changes and many want to stick to that because we want our Vanilla back. So Blizzard can’t do anything cause if they do, the players attracted to the game will leave.
I think there is a fix. It will force people to meet new people and learn do things a little bit like the old way. Just take every player and randomize the servers so they are even. So if there is way more horde one server than alliance you just force those horde to either play alliance or they pick another server where they can play horde and their character will be move right on over. If there isn’t one, then they can play alliance or not play. But it has to be fair. You can’t just say hey we have 40 guys who have been together for 12 years we have to be together. No they get tossed into the pot too.
Creating a new character you can’t choose your server unless it’s alt. You are just put on a server that it serves best to keep even.
This is just about the best way to do it because that’s pretty much how it was done in vanilla. Nobody knew anybody. That’s No Changes.
Was it toxic for Blizzard to add layering which wasn’t part of vanilla? Of course not, the game evolved and they evolved with it. Same with the current state of classic, it has evolved and some things should be changed to keep up with the times.
Also keep in mind there were many variations of vanilla WoW and they chose 1.12 which overall is the best. But there would be nothing wrong with adding something positive from an earlier version of vanilla if it made more sense as that would still be classic.
Or if they added the ability for at least 5 people to Q up in AV as a group to allow friends the ability to PvP together in an MMO. That’s exactly what made vanilla so much fun was the community feel to it and playing together. That is classic.
Hordies googled “best pvp racials Wow Classic” and created their characters to try and receive an OP advantage accordingly.
You can deal with the queue times from your overpopulated faction in return, if you didn’t want to lose Will of the Forsaken / stun resistance with how overpowered CC is in Classic you would reroll, but you won’t.
It’s OK to just admit it.
Some of us played Horde 15 years ago and did the same again. I’ve always played an Orc. Has nothing to do with racials although SR is nice. Rerolling at this point after 1k hours is not something most people are willing to do. Kind of dumb to even suggest it.
Can’t do that on a pvp server. They would need to make separate accounts and pay another sub to open AQ lol