Lets talk about the state of DK in Dragonflight

Was above 2100 iirc


I did some keys last season as unholy, and no they are not unplayable at high levels. Keys in MDI is the definition of high level. Doesn’t matter if it’s live game or not, you can get the same stuff in the live game that they had in MDI.

I switched from blood to unholy and only changed a trinket, I was easily capable of doing over 100k overall, which was pretty good for last season.

Yea you’re right, i misread that. I agree with a lot of it, the rotation isn’t nearly as easy as other dps classes and it’s very easy to screw up and do almost nothing.

I feel like most the people complaining about breath would stop if they just fixed obliteration to not also be window based gameplay with 0 damage out of killing machine.


If it cost rp it would be for obliteration only which is fair seeing as breath builds don’t need more damage. They need to be less degenerate.

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MDI is literally not high keys.

Buff DK

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A +23 isnt a high key? Especially doing it in under 14 minutes? There are hardly anyone doing anything above a +23 and +26 is basically the limit.

We are talking about last season… Which 29s were being done that’s why 23 is not high.

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This is not why DK’s population as a whole is down.


Power Infusion (PI) and the fact that for quite a long period of time in game one of the best targets that benefit the most are UH DK’s is actually highlighting a much larger issue overall. Any UH DK who doesn’t have access to PI is at a significant DPS disadvantage not only to a UH DK that does but also to majority of the other Class DPS Specs. The simple fact that a 25% boost to Haste every 2 min for 20 seconds is the only means that currently provides a UH DK to be highly competitive vs various other classes who don’t require any external assistance to achieve similar numbers is highlighting the issue with UH DK’s DPS throughput and their much higher reliance than other classes on needing higher haste values throughout the duration of an encounter to remain relevant in terms of DPS.

When you consider the fact that Unholy has had access to Unholy Assault or it’s previous iterations Unholy Fever etc. for a long time and that ability has been a personal buff that provided a boost to the DK’s haste for around 20 seconds. Currently Unholy Assault is providing the UH DK with 20% Haste for 20 seconds on a 1.5 minute cooldown.
So Unholy Assault from the UH DK with the addition of PI from a Priest is giving the UH DK a haste buff of 45% for approximately 20 seconds give or take a few seconds every two minutes.
It’s the combination of Unholy Assault and PI when combined together as either of them when used individually without the other results in roughly the same results in each case; that being roughly the same as a UH DK who doesn’t receive PI during an encounter.

What needs to be done to resolve the problem in terms of UH DK’s and their reliance on PI from priests to post competitive DPS results vs other classes?

I guess one option would be to somehow make the UH DK less reliant on the need for an external Haste Buff like PI to combine with their own Unholy Assault during encounters. One possible option would be to increase the Haste provided by Unholy Assault and then tweak it. For example you could increase the value from 20% to 40% for 20 seconds if left on a 1.5min cooldown, alternatively you could make it a higher value of haste like 50% to 60% on a longer cooldown such as 2.5min to 3min with a slightly higher duration to compensate the reduced casts available per encounter; such as 30 to 40 seconds for example.
Obviously one key change that would be needed would be to make PI and Unholy Assault unable to stack. Potentially in addition the DK gets a debuff from Unholy Assault that prevents PI from working on the UH DK that can only be removed when Unholy Assault is activated again. This prevents the potential abuse of PI in between Unholy Assault cooldowns by an UH DK. Obviously a UH DK that doesn’t have Unholy Assault Talent choice selected could make use of PI.
As an alternative to the above they could consider increasing UH DK Haste baseline making it so that an UH DK has maybe something like 20% haste baseline. If they did this option you wouldn’t need to change Unholy Assault that much maybe increase it by 5% to 10% at most but, still have the debuff to prevent PI being cast on the UH DK. This would also mean that an UH DK without Unholy Assault could leverage PI to essentially net the same results as they previously did with the combination of PI and Unholy Assault (20% baseline + 25% PI = 45% Haste increase for 20 seconds every 2 min)

In essence it’s very clear the an UH DK is too reliant on another classes single target buff to increase their haste values to a level which enables them to remain competitive with other DPS classes. Especially when you consider those those other DPS classes do not require any similar external assistance or buff apart from standard ones that all other dps receive during an encounter (Bloodlust for example).

In terms of an option for an UH DK group/raid buff that many have mentioned and asked to have returned to the DK’s toolkit which would make them more appealing to have, would be the idea of the DK Presences or Aura’s coming back just like a Paladin has their Aura’s. DK would have their own as well Unholy Presence/Aura, Blood Presence/Aura, Frost Presence/Aura and each does something that would be beneficial and could be used under various different circumstances.
For example:

  • Unholy Presence might provide a movement increase while in effect to all members of the group/raid as well as a slightly increased haste value buff such as 20% of the DK’s haste value. So this would be higher when the DK has their haste buffed temporarily to something like 10 - 15% for all members in those windows but likely something around 2 - 5% at all other times.

  • Blood might something like reduce damage taken from all magical sources by a given percentage and when magical damage is taken it converts the reduced damage values to hitpoint absorb shields that can also absorb physical damage as well as magical damage for a short period of time


My immediate though after reading this is just make Unholy Assault a DK version of Power Infusion and not let the buffs stack with each other. Then adjust other abilities to compensate.

Really just want more group utility with my DK in general, so maybe switch it with Soul Reaper from the class tree so all three specs have access to it.

Frost should be the unholy one but for crit instead of haste

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People hate Power infusion, let’s not make another one, especially now that an entire spec based on it being created.

That’s not a bad idea… However, instead of increasing Movement speed as if you think about it that’s sort of linked with Haste increase maybe make it reduce the effectiveness of knockback abilities as you’re freezing you allies to the ground. So while you would still get knocked back it is reduced by a certain amount?
Alternatively due to the freezing effects of the Aura it reduces the time allies can be stunned or CC’s by a certain amount?

The beginning of Dragonflight DKs decline in PvP.

Nope, I said this before. This is one of the reasons Frost was MIA after Legion, in spite of it being S-tier in PvE in BFA. It was satisfying to hear Rime proc and watch it hit massive add groups but it was otherwise boring and monotonous, and tickled in PvP. I’ll never forget hitting a priest with a Killing Machine proc with every cooldown and gear buff active, and only dealing 3% of their health with an 11k total hit while they laughed in my face.

What they need to do is expand the mechanics with more primary abilities so the spec isn’t so boring, and the devs have more room to make modifications.


Totally agree with you to be honest. It’s one of the main reasons I was highlighting the need to make a change to the UH DK so they are no longer so reliant on PI.
Then of course this does potentially open the door for PI to be changed to do something else that is universally doing something that helps or assists all classes but doesn’t change things so much that it is seen as required as much as it is now.

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I think we just a new and fresh approach to the class.

There are so many ideas already, i’ll add a few:

  • Runeforging could use a revamp or at least more interaction within talents, it’s supposed to be a crucial part of the fantasy. If it doesn’t totally make sense to be on frost or unholy trees then make it something for blood.
  • The anima power Undertaker’s Crown with Lich Robes that made you irradiate Death Coils was fun;
  • Bone Harvester could be fun for keys;

Please do not turn DK’s rotation into button bloated slop like so many other class’s, thank you.


Thats already Unholy though lol