Just ignore the hostile one. Not worth your time and effort.
No. You get it at 40 renown. I know because I did it.
The world of warcraft forums greenhouse effect.
That is exactly what you are if you can’t get to renown 80.
You get one covenant to 40 and it’s 500 gold at the NPC the Oribos Flight Master. I’ve used it on 2 alts.
I’ll take false equivalency forn600 please alex
You have to get the achievement ‘renowned’ which is hit level 80 renown to unlock it. You may have gotten really lucky or something?
Wrong. You have to get one covenant to 80.
What toon so I can check achieves? I mean you can do it fast but not one day. That’s straight cap
I wish I could experience the viewpoint of such a societal burden with no active brain function to be able to understand how renown in 9.2 is a problem. I just don’t get it.
Good luck with your temper tantrum though.
Buddy, it’s going to be okay, if this happens, it won’t dethrone you from your kingdom, don’t mind us plebs down here in casual land.
Yes. My read on this is that this is in addition to the chance to get renown from N/H dungeons, arenas, and lower torghast wings.
I love seeing the vulpera pop in and be like the epitome of the general player try hard reaction ‘‘PFFT, IT DOESN’T AFFECT PLAYER POWER SO 80 RENOWN DOESNT MATTER’’
I’m guessing is they tied it into the system and still want to gain some usage outta their crap they did.
Just makes sense to do 100% chance on everything no? The player is playing, why not give them a carrot for their efforts? I think it needs to include timewalking as well, maybe +5 renown for the weekly quest associated and battlegrounds specifically. The RNG aspect of being rewarded renown seems more like an inhibitor than anything at this point.
I went to look for Theotar today, as he’s not in Sinfall. I found him in the den where you do the Tea Party quests, and I did the WQ that was up in hopes that he’d have a quest to do after. Nope.
Edit: I lied… or maybe just hadn’t had enough coffee yet. Theotar was in Sinfall, standing there with his teacup like he should have been. Thanks for the help!
Boost to 40, then do campaign quests for easy 20. Weeklies, anima, souls, callings whenever they’re easier to do. I don’t feel like it needs to be any easier.
And if you’re a new player, you’re not gonna skip the story right?
Remove renown. It’s stupid, no one likes it. It’s dumb and annoying.
Just give everyone renown 80 as soon as they hit 50 and get to Oribos.
The issue is covenant power and how progression or game design favors one over the other for classes and specs. If that wasn’t the case to begin with you wouldn’t have all these issues.
I like the idea of having a quasi faction rep group or whatever. If it gave you transmogs or mounts or titles or skins only.
They lost some players over this. They created more work for themselves because of this. And overall created a mess. If Blizzard listened at the start and made the changes they made and are making now it would be a non issue and doing the quest line to get renown or rep with a covenant would be a non-issue.
Want to play in the woods with animals? Cool but to get to bounce around as rabbit (with out blink) you will need to do the quest line earn the rep/renown. Go for it.
I did. A new player has a ton of stuff to grind, only somewhat less now. Your alts have loads of shortcuts and catch ups.
Remove the renown catch up. I’ve seen all the stories across my various characters and it might’ve been ok as a narrative system and power progression the first time but its actually so inane at this point its infuriating. My class can viably use all 4 covenants across different forms of content. So when they finally opened up covenant switching it meant that I had 120 renown to grind. I’ve never enjoyed doing a chore less.
I have two hopes (or copium) for the future of the game and possibly next xpac. One: If you’re going to do a system like renown, make it universal so that you only grind it up once per character and add a non restrictive catch up system for alts. Two: If you’re going to improve an existing system like this, just do it in a hotfix instead of waiting for a major or .5 patch. How difficult could it really be to change the number on the broker renown catch up item from 40 to 60? (That being said it should just let you go to 80.)