Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

strange i cant view when another community of the opposite faction is qing using the standard interface blizzard provided me as a player. can you show me how a player without the addon can do so? I cant view when they pop and who/how many players are in that pop. the only thing the base blizzard UI tells me is a janky quick join feature that doesn’t work half the time, even then i cannot tell if someone left their queue or received a pop; meso’s hidden addon allows for him to view all of that.

Blizzard needs work on their quick join feature, just as they do on their in-game voice feature. But to say his secret addon is something the avg player doesn’t have access to is a hard reach dude


Gearz made OCA a addon just like it, you should ask him about it if you truly want to know how it works and want it

No, you can’t.

But neither can Meso, unless you’re using his addons, which can communicate via hidden chat channels, which is an accepted function of the Blizzard API.

If you don’t want to be tracked, I’d suggest removing all trace of Flare from your system.

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Yo dont be telling them that lmao

His addon that he is hiding from everyone else… to grief others… which is why the community is so upset in the first place


Why not? It’s obvious that’s how it works.

I didn’t see people complainning about it when everybody was in Sas

i mean it doesnt stop ppl from afking out of the bg like avm does. you at least stay in the game and djl does if they feel like it

You’re probably using Flare itself, and getting the latest version from Curse.

Meso would need a node relay addon on your system to determine who you are, their addon can’t just track all communities, that’s not part of the Blizzard API.

It’s like Greenwall or similar cross realm guild addons, everyone in the guild is required to use the addon, or you can’t see chat from other realms, they use hidden chat channels to communicate, I’d bet the Meso addons are using similar tools.

i uninstalled that when i heard about meso’s shady past and being investigated by the feds. rly dont feel comfortable having software installed by someone like that tbh. others in the comm prolly have it, but it’s their pc not mine


Then you personally probably aren’t being tracked, but if you play with people using any of them, then you’re probably being tracked by association.

If I’m correct in my assumption about the way that it functions, and I’m fairly confident that I am.

Well now that everything keeps getting nuked it’s hard for me to pull up the presentation, but AFAIK they can just have a spy sit on a 2nd acct w/ the addon and feed them pop info. just need that character in both communities, so even if everyone in a community took it out it just takes 1 person to open the flood gates again


It’s unranked bgs people need to get a grip


y do u afk out of them every now and then if they dont matter? ur making no sense rn, w/ that logic u just play it out win or lose unless RL took priority

Yes, that would be possible too.

So, vet your members.

Me? Because they don’t matter. :dracthyr_a1:

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get a grip and sit through the whole game out then, don’t matter right

Blizz should toss their half-assed quick join system in the dumpster. That should help get rid of some of the data that flare details picks up. Toss their voice chat in there too and light it on fire.

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I mean if people struggle in ranked I could see why they’d tryhard unranked where nobody cares/tries.


u aint wrong, but some ppl just dont play ranked modes period; regardless of struggling or not. some ppl like rpgs but wont touch elden ring, doesn’t mean they aren’t rpg enjoyers and their opinions on them are invalid