Yeah, I wish, at the very least, that it knew that you’re appearing offline.
As it is, you can’t have a day to yourself without everyone on your friends list trying to do arena with you.
Yeah, I wish, at the very least, that it knew that you’re appearing offline.
As it is, you can’t have a day to yourself without everyone on your friends list trying to do arena with you.
Yeah, they’re forced to pull their weight in ranked and fall apart so back to exclusively premading vs randos.
or they dont touch ranked due to anxiety to even wanna get into them. there’s a reason follower dungeons and story mode raids are a thing lol
True. Quick join shows data that most people dont consent to. Even if you show offline. Its like they started something that would have been cool then walked away before it was finished.
What is there to be anxious about
They certainly don’t have any issues ruining games for other people
idk, i do both ranked and unranked. the q times for ranked lately put me off when trying to get back into it but im not against it. lately just get my tier or any other reward i want that season then just do whatever.
some of those ppl have no other thing to do in this game. some choose to solo q or join a community to play with others that want to actually try to win a bg. Plenty of other things to do on wow, but to them qing unranked pvp is their way to play while to some rping in goldshire is their way to play
This is also a lie. Took me a minute to find…
All addons must be freely accessible. They clearly are not here.
They are actually, they’re just not in the hands of griefers
As in, do not require payment.
Otherwise all addons still in development are breaking the ToS.
Please give me a link where I can publicly view the code of this addon as the rule clearly stated.
As usual you are taking things out of context and being a hypocrite lol
What that means is the addon code cannot be obfuscated where you are calling something outside the code which you don’t know what it does. Addons must be self-contained.
It isn’t mandatory to share addons, like I could go and learn how to make addons and not share my own addons.
You would have to ask Meso. Since they are the author.
How dumb do you think we are?
Again, here is the rule.
So it breaks the rules by not being publicly available. Thank you for confirming.
So all addons, prior to being published, breaks the ToS, so they shouldn’t be developed at all.
Unless Blizzard Hosts the addons, they have no say on sharing addons.
Blizzard doesn’t own Curse Forge right? So You are saying anyone who makes an addon should publish it? Even my little “hello world” addon I made?
I’d go further than that, Blizzard would need to fully contain the development process, and provide a system which only allows you to save the addon to their hosting services.
An addon in development isn’t an addon in use. Also, I’m not sure if you know what staging is, but not every addon needs to be run in the game to ensure it’s working. That said, once an addon is in use, it’s clearly not in development. Your argument is moot.
Hi again. It seems you’re confused.
Again, here is the rule.
You’re more than welcome to argue that.
Let me get this straight, you’re now saying that these addons that are clearly in use are actually in development? Crazy.
Where does the policy say that they must be in use?
You might want to read again, I was replying to Mohz.