Could be talking about me. I’ve been working nightshift, with 12 hours shifts, for 35 days with 0 days off. Got lots of time to read and comment. (we barely do any work during the shift)
I think he’s talking about Hirav… even though he isn’t here - the memory of him lingers on.
Went from BG every day to arena for 3 days. Getting my face smashed but it’s a skill issue on my part, I can accept that. After 3 day break go back into BG, premade right away. Entire other team is OP. At any given time 50%+ of our team is in the GY. It’s not even close to fair, and not a skill issue. There is zero reason to que up for rbg when it’s greater than 50% chance it will be a semi-pro group vs your team of mixed skilled randoms.
It’s not a semi-pro group it’s just a bunch of bottom feeders that exploit. They do it simply because they can’t win any other way.
Definitely a good use of time that’ll totally not be completely moot once the new patch drops. Where in you’ll have to do it all over again for every single alt.
I’m paying monthly cause there are other things in the game I enjoy doing where as you seemingly pay to grief a game mode bleeding players by the day for everything it’s worth.
If anyone says the epic bg scene is “growing” they are just flat lying. At best it’s stagnating.
Every time I Que one it’s either the same premades 1 or 2 it’s the same pugs who are there day in and day out some of which I’m not even convinced are real players… so.
Yeah and I imagine you believe yourself a wolf? On your extremely intimidating 60 alt with 10k achieves. You are not that guy buddy.
If anything you should compare yourself and the people you run with to a pack of obnoxious cackling hyenas because that would be more accurate.
In summary… you are in no position to condescend.
Bravo, that’s a damned fine trolling right there. Caught a mess of 'em too, didn’t ya?
Is this you by any chance?
He doesn’t even show as online in Discord anymore. He really did vanish.
Yah I was curious about Hirav as well at one point. His last post here was Jan 18 where he tried to solve all the pvp problems by suggesting attracting new players by making the pvp side FTP (free to play). It was not well received.
Maybe he stopped posting for his own sanity. idk
Also, I just saw Kaledin’s last post, it did not flag me, and it sounds like we agree. Words are weird, people can agree and the words used make it seem like they don’t (this applies to alot in the real world as well, I think). While I can see some of the suggestions floated to fix the issue as mostly working, I see holes in 'em too. I betcha Blizz is batting around the issue and solutions, now and then, and none of the options look fun…like none of them. All the trade offs are bad enough that they kick the ball down the road.
But, there is no comm on the issue, so it appears like they don’t care, which is why these threads are very valid.
Balls in their court. It’s been there a long time.
I bet he sounds like Bill Nye
No idea, I don’t actually know him beyond this space. We just share a couple popular Discord servers.
Ya….the little Que synchers want to
Desperately be acknowledged as legit PvP players but they are just kids swimming in the kids pool which is 99% pee and 1% water.
Everyone knows it. But they somehow seem to be clinging on
Heres some guy on the arena forums claiming to be that panda from a while ago
bump because we did it venruke! canada wins again
In other news, we are getting reports that 7 more queue syncing concern threads have been discovered just this past week. We attempted to contact Blizzard to ask for their plan moving forward but they are not taking any questions at this time. Lets hope they have a plan, or god help us, no one is safe. This is Tom Riddle on location, back to you Diane.
thanks tom, now ollie with the weather!
Well, I believe they are running it for themselves and that’s it. Multiple teams, same people in leadership ruins this experience. It’s not fun at all and it should be fun and challenging.